Chapter 14 - Burning Memories

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This chapter contains sensitive content such as (will contain spoilers):

- Abuse/Neglect
- Iatrophobia ( fear of doctor[s])
- Small mentions of s3x (nothing too extreme I promise)
- Torture
- Hemophobia (fear of blood)
- Trypanophobia (fear of syringe[s])
- Hallucinating (?) This is a dream so take it as you want
- Traumatophobia (fear of breaking bone[s])
- Mention of a gun
- Fire

Please move on to the next chapter if you don't feel confident about reading this chapter, it will have a brief summary of this chapter so you don't feel lost!

If I have missed anything please tell me so I know in future chapters!

This is my longest chapter with over 2500 words so please enjoy this angsty filled chapter :)


Tommy opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness that swarmed all around him, it was suffocating. Tommy stood up and yelled 'hello?', nothing replied besides the echo of his voice.

Where is he?

Why is here?

What took him here?

Can he leave?

Is he dead?

Thoughts and questions swarmed his mind like angered wasps. His head was pounding and he breathed heavily trying to figure out what to do, he turned around to see something that was not the dark.

A dirty old living room with it's broken coffee table, and an old fashioned tv. But what caught Tommy's attention was the boy sitting infront of the tv full of curiosity.

That was the day that started it all...

The little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was reaching his hand out to the tv, seeing sparks between him and the tv.

"NO, DON'T TOUCH IT, PLEASE DONT!!!" The words that came out of his mouth was only a whisper, as if his voice gave out from screaming for hours.

The little boy touched the black screen. Then it turned on.

It was too late.

Tommy turned around to see the man he feared for so long standing right behind him.

His father.

The older male walked through Tommy, sending a shiver down his spine.

"How did you turn on the tv?! Are you hiding the remote!?" Tommy's father spoke with an angered tone, pulling up the boy off the ground by his shirt.

"N-no! I used my hand!" Why did you have to tell him?

The man dropped him on the ground, the little boy used this time to tap the tv multiple times. The screen would turn off or on everytime he touched, the man staring at the child.

"Well my god," Tommy quickly turned around to the familiar feminine voice.

His mother standing a few feet away from him with her eyes wide open.

"Our son has a power! But how? Neither of us have powers"

"You probably fucked someone else like a slut"

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