Chapter 17 - The Wilson's

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THE FUDGE!?!?!?!?!

I'm not sure how or why this happened but thank you so much! I know I haven't been posting much but genuinely this was the biggest surprise I have seen! This really does mean a whole lost to me bc holy CRAP I was in shock when I saw the view count!

I have never would have thought I would ever get to this point and honestly this is flipping incredible!

Thank you again for all the support!


It has been a couple of weeks now and so far life for Tommy has been well for once. Wilbur and him get along much better and even hangout together, the hero he calls Phil has continued to talk to him whenever he's about to cause trouble, the annoying duo hero's have finally left him alone for awhile, and no more incidents with the joker thankfully.

Today was cool, there was even little bits of snow that have fell into his curly blonde hair as the wind blows softly onto his skin. It is Winter. Today was the first snow fall, and he was walking to work, sick.

Tommy is not really sure how this illness has been brought to him, maybe it was the dirty puddle of water on the side of the street that he took a sip from because Tubbo dared him to do it while Ranboo pleaded for him not to do it. But a dare is a dare is what he uses as an excuse to ignore the truth that what he did was idiotic.

His stomach churned with pain as sweat poured from his forehead, he seriously didn't want to go to work but he needs the money for him and his friends to survive and don't become homeless.

He kept telling himself after he gets done with work, he'll go to the pharmacy to get medicine since they ran out when Tubbo had gotten the fever and Ranboo not a few days later got it as well. It was a miracle that Tommy didn't get it, but he is the very charming, pog, charismatic, and intelligent Tommy. But he supposes this sickness has got a good hit on him, knowing the fact that he almost wanted to give up and die once he woke up this morning.


A distant voice infront of him calls out his name, it makes him lift his head to try to focus on the figure that is rushing towards him, arms swung out. The person had finally got to him, hugging him tight. Tommy shocked, immediately shoved the person off of him, after a second of recognizing who it is he almost instantly starts stammering out apologies. It was Wilbur who hugged him.

"I- I'm so sorry, I didn't know who were and then I panicked and I'm sor-"

He began sneezing harshly, making him stop talking mid-sentence. He kept sneezing over and over, it was painful but also gave a little relief for Tommy's infected body. The sneezing has finally ceased, and he came crashing down on the brunette, the taller one almost struggled to keep the other one up.

"Are you actually planning on going to work like that?"

"Well yea, what else am I suppose to do?"

Wilbur sighed, he clearly he isn't a fan of Tommy's idea on going to work sick. He pulled out his phone and began dialing a number.

"Who ya calling there?"

"Puffy, I'm going to tell her your not going to work today"

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