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As the dark clouds caress the black sky, seemingly with no stars in view, the full moon hides behind a few of its clouds, accompanied by its gray and white colors. Everything is silent with not a single sign of life, not a shadow to be seen. The moon slowly slips below the horizon, hiding in its shadows after providing respite to those who needed sleep after a long day of hard work. The small houses of commoners and the poor are the only visible sights as the day welcomes the other half of the earth. The wind blows, indicating the arrival of someone dear to them.

Tranquil footsteps echo on a rooftop as a man saunters to the edge of it. The sound of flapping wings reverberates with every step he takes. His black clothing adds to the darkness of his mesmerizing shadow.

"JK! JK!" A parrot's high-pitched tone shouts over his shoulder. However, the bird continues to flap its wings, trying to get its master's attention.

"KILL HIM ALREADY!" JK... the codename of the assassin who kills for money yet is excitingly popular for his skills.

The man's shadow is as handsome as he is, as his feet reach the edge of the rooftop. He crouches there, staring at the beautiful sunrise that is slowly taking place.

His eyes shine with utmost courage and daringness; not an ounce of fear is hinted in his enticing eyes. His lips curve up in a charming smirk behind the mask he's wearing, a black one with a golden pattern. He pulls the mask off, revealing his alluring face that still has the smirk plastered on his lips.

"It's day by now, Bam." He turns to his pet as an excuse with a teasing smirk, relishing his reaction. The pet screeches loudly as the sun rises ahead, illuminating the colors of the day.

ASSASSIN'S THRONE | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now