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The light, there was no light he could witness; only darkness surrounded him. Making him surrender to its murk. As time passed by, V felt himself losing the feeling of his legs, his arms, his lips, everything felt so numb. As he moves his gaze up, to search for someone, shaking, and worried not knowing what to do, his gaze falls upon JK who was kneeling in front of him.

In the little glow, he didn't know where it came from, he could witness JK's deceased eyes on him. The terror and agitation that ran from his abdomen to his throat made him so concerned. What happened to him? Why was he here? Why like this?

V, he tried to unlock his lips, howbeit, he couldn't, a tear ran down his cheek out of worry. As he keeps staring into JK's eyes not knowing what to do, he sees a red liquid running down from his eyes. More tears fall down V's cheeks as he witnesses his friend cry tears of blood.

"J-JK—" He tries to utter but all he saw was a lifeless face. His hands finally start to shake although when he looks down, he couldn't control his lips from trembling. It wasn't water that cascaded from his eyes. It was blood too.

As he felt horrified, he could feel the scream bubbling inside him as he finally let it out. He shrieks with all his might, looking up and hoping for any kind of help, but all he felt was his eyes snapping open the very second and him still yelling.

He keeps screaming on his bed and his gaze moves to a horrified statue of JK who has been staring at him for a while, shirtless, and Bam on his shoulder who seems like a sculpture waiting for JK to explain to him how his friend had gone mad too with of course, the queen.

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