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The moonlight had touched the surface of the earth as the royal gardens shone in the color of blue and green in the middle of the night. Her fingers swirl the glass of wine as she stares at it adorned in a red nightgown and in her balcony, she stood alone turning her eyes to the moon in front of her.

Her days were always completed by doing her royal duties of sitting in her office and fulfilling the paperwork that she had to do as a monarch. Her days were now boring but a little more electrifying because of doing swordsmanship, archery, and cudgels. She liked doing the activities, turning back to her duties turned boring now. Is this what is it being a ruler? Getting tired and having a kingdom on one's shoulder, doing the same activities each day, and listening to the noble's arguing with each other on baseless matters.

Is this what her father went through?

He did, but he always used to scare everyone around him to lessen his burdens and she always saw it. As a child, she saw him working overnight and visiting her mother late only to bicker with her. She had heard it trying to visit them once.

Drinking wine and indulging in the activity somehow lessened her burdens. She was told how she was both what a king and a queen. Her father did too.

They needed a king.

She pushes her hair back using her fingers as she shakes her head silently. Her father's words were still ringing in her ears that he had said when she was just a child to her mother.

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