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In the dark of his room, and in the freezing air that he couldn't lessen except by the window that was flowing his small draperies away, the man wearing a suit with numerous blades hiding in it stood opposite of his queen wrapping his arms together. The assassin had his head tilted while his brows were knitted together in a deep frown having his curious gaze on the woman who sat on his bed with her eyes down.

The chilly air in the room from the open space had not conquered his attention as much as the lady who had gave so much just to see him did. He was leaning against a slender cabinet behind that carried a few clothes of his in it. The parrot seemed mystified as well from the way he was waiting for her to speak.

He had advised her to sit there since there wasn't a single chair in the small of his room. He never thought it important to bring one since he was already living in an inn. Who would come here? His assassin friends who wouldn't think twice before laying over his bed and rolling over it? Nah, he never thought someone other than them would be here, except the demonic female. The way he was begging in front of his non-existent god that it shouldn't be her was too much. But thank goodness, it wasn't her. It fucking wasn't her.

Now, he only wished she forgot his existence. If that happens, he'll try to reduce the crimes he's going to do in the coming future. Her face now disgusted him.

Her hands are over her thighs as she finally moves her head up to look at the guy in front of her who still had his gaze on her, "Why did you run away from me?" Jasira pushes her hair back looking away as she sighs thinking about what this guy is even after.

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