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Murmur, hustle and bustle, shouting, yelling, and cries; well, that was all she could hear standing in front of the inn of Nightbrook. Jasira's eyes were located on the wooden nameplate that held the location's name. She couldn't describe how anxious she was when she—herself stepped in this place deciding it on her own to do so. That assassin created so much curiosity in her, although there was one more reason of her arrival here, adventure, outside seemed so adventurous to her. She wanted to explore it to its capacity. The assassin was so lucky to even jump through those rooftops ensuing him in viewing more of the world than ordinary people. Wrong, it wasn't luck. He wasn't lucky, but he was the adventure. He himself chose his life or else why would he even be as such?

She could hear loud cries of a child behind her which the child's mother was holding, murmurs and hustle and bustle of people around since this inn was also very much near to the market, shouting of men who were guiding each other in work as well as yells of guards to be in place and not crowd the place up more.

Jasira had a hood on herself which she unconsciously held with her hand so it doesn't fall back to her nape. She had taken her maid's dress and convinced her to help her dress up like an ordinary citizen of Ivrea. Namjoon, he had helped her out after her comvincing him through a blackmail. The man's expression held betrayal while he let her out of the carriage here and helped her find her way from the palace to this place.

Jasira had clearly denied him when he had asked to accompany her all the way to the mysterious place she was going and the mysterious person she was meeting. Namjoon didn't possess as much curiosity as he would normally after seeing the queer behavior of his queen. What can he do? All royals had their secrets and some used outlandish strategies to search their way of peace and power. His queen appeared quite as the type having secrets to her and being a mystery that she was. Namjoon had stepped back at her royal order to stay near the carriage and not follow her. Jasira knew he'd keep his hands behind and do the moment her order hits his ears and he did. He did as she said.

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