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[ A/N: start the song when I tell you to

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[ A/N: start the song when I tell you to. Not now.

And vote! 🗳 ]

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He steps inside the old building, which brims with several men who are indulging in drinks, embracing women in their arms. The place exudes an unmistakable scent of lust, as it seems more debaucherous than necessary. It's a location that both men and women flock to for enjoyment, often attracting those seeking secret conversations or crucial information. A bustling atmosphere like this doesn't raise suspicions. Laughter fills the air as men and women, impeccably groomed for the occasion, engage in conversation and savor the moment. Most of the men present sport mustaches and beards, and they lose themselves in inebriation. Here, alcohol, particularly beer, reigns supreme. This wooden structure is renowned for its lively ambiance.

Everyone in the establishment recognizes him; it's not unusual for a man adorned with a golden mask to enter the tavern. While some patrons show minimal interest, others seek to establish a friendship with him. He exudes an air of mystery that piques their curiosity.

JK has entered the inn where he resides. His black boots make contact with the wooden floor as he strides purposefully toward his destination. He settled in this place just a few months ago. Despite the merriment of men reveling in their drinks and laughter, he pays it no mind as he walks away, a small creature named Bam perched on his shoulder. Bam's gaze fixates on a stunning woman who strides alongside them.

He points his bluish-yellow wing at her with a focused stare. "Have an affair with her. I won't say anything to your horny arse. But leave that evil bitch."

Bam turns his redheaded gaze to JK, waiting anxiously for his response. The woman, resplendent in a golden dress, hasn't spared them a glance, as her attention is captivated by another man approaching her. Witnessing her radiant smile upon seeing him prompts Bam to reconsider his choices.

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