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JK steps inside the tavern with his gaze down. The floor was a shade of reddish-brown that somehow irritated him to the core. He moved his hands still standing near the entrance and staring at his flesh that had turned dark. He had bruises that he didn't ever care about. He had ashes of black over them that was dust. He could feel a parrot's feet pinching his shoulder because of gripping hard. He seemed worried. Bam was staring at his hands anxious that his master was overwhelmed which he didn't want. It was rare for JK to be vulnerable.

JK still had his mask on and he didn't speak a word from his lips. All he did was stand there and stare at his fingers that were shivering for some reason.

He knew people were standing behind him for entrance to the place but he didn't care.

"JK," That makes him look up to see the same man that had asked him for a drink a few days ago. The bearded thief who was wealthy in his way. JK's eyes were red but he stays quiet not wanting to speak up. He knew if he did, the entire inn will face his outburst, "Yoongi requested me to tell you about your next customer the moment you set foot in this inn."

JK nods with his gaze down and letting his hands fall on either side of him.

"She's there." She? Who? What?

JK's eyes follow his finger that the man had pointed in a direction. Numerous people were walking around and it was a hustle to point out the woman. All JK could hear was laughter, gossip, cheering of beer. But his gaze paused on a lady sitting silently while having her meal wearing a straight face. She was alone and no one around her at the table. She didn't look scared at all. Her hands rest on the wooden table while she ate without any disruptions.

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