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[ start the song when I tell you to

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[ start the song when I tell you to. ]

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The horse that rode the vacant streets of Ivrea seemed nonchalant to the timeless war going on behind him between two knights. He knew his master was so ready for the state visit, he needs to appear classy so his owner is proud of him. A kiss over his head made him realize he was still being cherished after years of companionship with his dear lord.

"How long more do we need to walk?" The prince inquired, clutching the horse's reigns back again which had started plummeting out of his slender fingers. His head was straight and his eyes gazing at the icy streets in front of him. Mighty sheets of snow covering the streets of Ivrea bared witness to the traffic that it had gone through just a day ago. Ivrea seemed like a busy kingdom that would just be unoccupied the moment they realized the freeze was immoderate. The sun had just risen, so it would be no huge deal seeing not a single soul around.

Seokjin could sense how frigid it was. He'd freeze to death if he stayed on these streets for five more minutes.

"A little more, my lord." Benjamin emitted holding his emotionless face on point. Being an assistant to the crown prince himself was enervating. For his father's honor, he needed to submerge his sentiments.

"Cease, knights!" The twins Ian and Ryan, sleek brown hair, sharp jawlines, and passionate eyes, both had concluded hearing the prince's assistant roar.

"May I ask, your highness?" The soldier leading the army behind let out.

"What is it about, Ben?" The next-to-be-monarch seemed uncaring checking out on his horse who has walked for so long. His grime boots which had traveled for so long hit the animal's belly lightly.

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