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JK freezes in his tracks, his bare biceps tensing as he tightly grips the paper in his hand. Meanwhile, Bam returns to his covert task of surreptitiously observing his master and his master's assassin friend from the safety of his cage.

"It wasn't just me, and it wasn't just you. It was our entire group of assassins," JK stands there, still sporting a puzzled frown, baffled by V's revelations. V turns in JK's direction to elaborate further.

"I've come here to politely request that you reject the assignment. The person who issued it seems desperate and determined to carry out the kill," V explains.

"They could have simply hired one assassin, but they chose to contract an entire group. The source of the contract is shrouded in mystery, and any attempt to uncover it would likely prove futile. The person possesses significant power to maintain such secrecy," V continues, his gaze fixed on JK.

"If anything goes wrong, all of us will be in grave trouble. We're talking about taking down a member of the royal family," V concludes.

JK sighs heavily, returning to sit on the edge of the bed. "I didn't want to accept the contract either. I was actually planning to return the paper to Yoongi." He gazes downward as he speaks, and Bam takes the opportunity to fly to him, fluttering his wings and snuggling against JK's neck. Bam makes sure not to poke his beak too close to JK's neck, recalling a previous incident when a similar attempt resulted in JK's discomfort and tears for three days. It's a common way for Bam to comfort JK when he's feeling down.

JK chuckles while gently caressing Bam's head, while V watches them, apparently caught off guard by their affectionate display. He coughs awkwardly, prompting both JK and Bam to turn their attention back to him.

In JK's guild, it's uncommon to work in a group for assassinations. They believe they possess the skills to handle any target individually and deem group work unnecessary, except in the case of wars or when faced with a large number of adversaries blocking their path.

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