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No sound; silence. Nothing that could be heard. Her royal chambers were dark. No light. Not even the moon that helped her today. It was freezing, making her shiver all over. The azure draperies blew because of the winds pushing them. Her dressing table set in the corner having numerous new items on it for her embellishment for the wedding that was going to take ten days from now.

Her bed's white canopies hung on either side of her that was just changed a few moments ago. She felt sweat following over her forehead while she lay on her white bedsheets. She had her hands under her face. Her eyes wide open from uneasiness.

What will she do now?

Her eyes were stuck over the golden doors of the chambers that she was in. Blowing out a heavy sigh, she stands up removing her red duvet and revealing her white nightgown. Nightgowns, those were always white when she wore them to sleep. Somehow, even the colors around her made her uneasy.

Jasira looks around trying to find something. Her eyes fell upon the chair that was kept aside in an area of the massive chambers. The golden chair that she had touched a few days ago.

She steps on the brownish floor that was imprinted using the colors of gold. Taking more steps to the chair, she crouches down moving it aside and seeing a brown robe thrown there.

Melissa, she had given it to her. Jasira was always stuck in these chambers. Hell, she never went out. The only reason she would step out would be, meals, gatherings, and the king's call. She wasn't given a robe, scared that she'd run away or do something that would risk the image of the king.

A few days ago, Melissa had handed it to her. She didn't know why. In the afternoon, her eyes were filled with worry. She didn't say anything. Melissa seemed like she knew something that Jasira didn't. Why? Why was everyone hiding things from her? What did she do to deserve this? The way Melissa had kept the robe over her lap made her re-think the decision of touching it. Her hands had paused in the middle of touching the piece of cloth that she had safely hidden there knowing no one would touch that place. The maids were too lazy to do complete cleaning knowing how she can't complain about it to anyone. Even if she did, they won't listen. But Jasira had always known, it would be a merit if the maids don't do everything that they had to.

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