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JK climbs the building without any hesitation. It's easy for him, of course. JK loved climbing places. For an unknown reason, he would always go climb several places and not even realize that he was doing it without having any purpose. It took him time to perceive that he had a thing for this; he was slow at the realization of what he loved and what he liked to do. Doing what he loved and not realizing it wouldn't ever turn out to be a problem, right?

JK looks up after he had reached the window that was a way to Yoongi's room. He could've just climbed a few stairs and used the door but this seemed more fascinating. There were two types of stairs in the inn, one that led to JK's room and the other that led to Yoongi's room. The stairs that Yoongi had were merely for himself. He had named it his when he settled here.

A swish of winds made him close his eyes, "DON'T ENTER! HE'S CHANGING!" Bam immediately flies out hiding behind JK. Bam had already flown inside unconsciously; he regretted it.

"JK, I NEED HOLY WATER. BRING ME!" Bam screeches in his ear making JK wince badly after keeping his hand in the way of his hearing.

"WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN WITH ME!? WHY?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?" JK's lips curve up in a slight smirk as he clicks his tongue.

"Why? You'd have liked it. You love him, right?" A smack over his head made him wince in pain again as he grabbed his head while grabbing the window's handle with one hand. His legs were stuck to the wall taking support from it. The wall wasn't straight and had a few holes in it. It being bricky was an advantage there.

"I AM A MAN! AND I JUST SAW A MAN CHANGING! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING!?" Bam bellows and JK tries not to snort out a laugh as he keeps his hand over his lips.

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