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She recalled how she had slept thinking about him. He was so perplexing because of his behavior, and the gaze he gave her. Why did it make her feel some kind of way? Her heart was pounding in her chest. She had never felt like this before. Wait, she did, a bit, kind off, was it that handsome soldier? She questions herself. She remembers she was sixteen on that occasion. He was so worth looking at for. The way he gazed at her-- Wait! The assassin! She needs to solve the mystery called an assassin, not her past crushes. She had forgotten what the world was, where she was, and who she was while gazing into the assassin's eyes. He was moving closer each second and she so didn't want to get up and at the same time, he was scaring her. He was an assassin...

She couldn't stay there, and let him do what he wanted. They're two different people from two different worlds.

He was a killer and she was a queen. Looking into those eyes felt so sweet and sinful at the same time because she couldn't do it. The atmosphere he was making wasn't right at all.

Jasira hadn't realized how she had curled up in a ball under her sheets while thinking about the man who was invading the peace of her mind. Her eyes were shut while she kept thinking about it and sensed her heart giving several hypnotizing beats.

Her nightgown was the only thing she was embellished in while she lay hiding her thoughts deep in her mind. She had first thought she had imagined the male voice around her but no, she was alone in her bedchambers when she slept. And the moment she woke up, she was busy thinking about a human being. So who was it?

ASSASSIN'S THRONE | JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now