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She stared out the window, gazing at the clear blue skies that matched the eyes of the man that sat across from her. She took note of the very few clouds that floated by every few moments but never blocking the sun. She noticed birds that flew across the sky every now and then, catching her attention as she tried to distract herself from her discomfort.

She took long breaths as she attempted to recoup, fiddling her fingers in the white sheet that laid on her lower half. She sighed as she noticed her chipped nail polish and dry skin though she was not bothered as that was the last thing on her mind.

The man with the blue eyes flickered his gaze between his feet, the floor, his hands, and even the girl that laid before him. He sat uncomfortably as he did not want to disturb the little bit of peace they had before they had to take care of their responsibilities.

He watched the girl lay in her gown, still dazed out as she stared out the window. He looked to where she was looking then looked at her again, sighing as he stood up. Her eyes moved to him as his movements took her out of her trance, already missing the feeling that the sky gave her looking out the window.

Things were not supposed to happen this way. Things were not suppose to turn out like this.

"I can't believe we made another." He stood over the bassinet provided as he stared down at his new creation. The astonishment that he felt take over his body was unlike any other only this time he was uneasy.

With her head resting against a pillow at the head of the comfortless bed, she turned her head slowly to look at him as he watched what they made. Her head was still foggy from her efforts from not too long ago, making it difficult for her to engage in conversation.

"They look alike." He told her as one side of his mouth turned to a slight smile, glancing at her. He was not fond of their plight but he could not deny the warmth he felt any time they created something together.

She closed her eyes and simply nodded, not wanting to entertain the conversation. Like him, she loved everything they made together but things were different now. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"God." He breathed out as he looked at the life before him, pondering what the being would turn into as life progressed. He thought about his first creation and how beautiful she turned out to be. He thought he'd be excited to do the same with this one but there was a heaviness in his chest as they prepared for this day.

He looked over to the girl and sighed as he noticed her eyes were now closed. She looked so peaceful though he knew there was a storm inside her mind and heart. Maybe she was at peace in this moment and that was all the man could hope for her at this time because soon enough things would return to how they had been.

She opened her eyes slowly before squinting at the cool hospital lights.

He shook his head hoping that she didn't catch him staring before looking back down to the innocence in the bassinet.

He swallowed the lump in his throat then sniffled as his nose crinkled. He watched the infant shift slightly in the sound slumber that took over.

"What's his name?"

She ran her tongue over her bottom lip in attempt to cure some of the dryness as she turned her head back toward the window to look at the sky.

She noticed how the weather had been lovely and peaceful despite all the ugly in the world. The earth seemed to be relaxed despite all the violence and cruelty that took place. She felt as though the sky was mimicking her life; showcasing the beauty yet hiding the unsightly.

She looked back over at the man who awaited an answer without taking his eyes off the infant.

Taking a deep breath she spoke weakly, "Skye."


What do we think?
Do we see the parallel between River's and Skye's births?
Do we see the contrast between their two births? Same but opposite, hm?
Predictions?? What's happening??

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now