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"Thanks for watching her while I was at work today, man. Appreciate it." JJ stated as he entered Ashton's apartment, his eyes instantly landing on his daughter who had her heart set on playing with a baby doll. Ever since they told her she was going to be a big sister and she started to understand what a baby really was, she had become obsessed with taking care of her dolls. It was no wonder she was ecstatic to see Skye every time.

"Yeah, it's no problem." Ashton replied as he closed his front door behind JJ. His apartment was small with one bedroom. It was decently clean for a 26 year old man, smelling of cologne and Febreze which he tried to use in place of a candle.

"Was she alright?" JJ asked.

"C'mon, man. You know she's always good." Ashton gave him a half smile and nudged  his shoulder. JJ chuckled and looked over at Riv who had yet to notice him before Ashton continued talking, "I heard she's sleeping at my sister's tonight."

JJ looked back over to him, "Avie tell you?"

"Yeah, she called earlier all stressed and shit. Ya know, crying." Ashton looked off into the distance as he furrowed his eyebrows, "Didn't seem alright but," he shrugged, "she said she didn't need help."

JJ sighed out, "Jeez, maybe I'll take Skye tonight so she doesn't have to deal with both of them."

"Good luck with that." Ashton chuckled and shook his head.

"Hell does that mean?" JJ eyed him down.

He just shrugged, "I already asked her if it'd help just swapping them."


"She said she can handle it."

JJ thought about how she probably sounded over the phone, going through her horrible emotions but refusing help. At first he thought it was just personal but hearing that she was denying her family's help too made him think twice.

It almost made him feel as if something deeper was going on with her, something that she did not know of either that was making her think she could handle it. It was as if she needed to prove to herself that she was capable of caring for their son and that was what was causing her blockage. Except she did not realize this. Nor did anyone.

"I don't why she won't let anyone help. She's been pushing everyone away. Ya know I was there a few days ago and tried to make a freakin' formula bottle shit thing.. for the first time but apparently you can't use tap water or too much formula and apparently you gotta heat the thing up first too!" JJ exclaimed nearly forgetting that this was her brother.

"You tried to use tap water?" Ashton confirmed as if the answer was not obvious.

"Um, is that something everyone knows?" JJ looked at him with wide eyes.

Ashton chuckled and shook his head, "I guess not." JJ sighed but before he could say anything Ashton continued, "Look, I know my sister can be a real bitch sometimes but you just gotta put up with it. Agree with whatever she says and do what she wants. She's got a lot of shit on her plate right now with that kid."

"Is there something else she didn't tell me about the doctor?" JJ asked as he scrunched his eyebrows.

Ashton raised his eyebrows, "Hm? No. Not that I know of. I just know she feels like crap about the whole breastfeeding thing and Skye not adjusting to the formula." He shrugged, "I don't know. Cut her some slack. Alright, man?" He placed a hand on the young dad's shoulder.

"Alright, alright." JJ held his hands in surrender knowing that he almost crossed a line trying to open up to Ashton. His relationship with his ex's sister had improved significantly over the passed few years but Ashton still drew a line when it came to getting too comfortable.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now