15. texts

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Sorry guys, I meant to upload this chapter this morning but my puppy was sick all night so we had a very late start to the day. She's okay now!
BUT here it is:)


The following day JJ sat on the couch at John B's place with Riv sitting by his side as she was fixated on the television. It was Sunday, he was off and figured he had nothing better to do since Avie had made plans with Sarah and Kie.

He wanted to see her again. In more than just 'I'm the father of your two kids' type of way.'

But he did not want to be pushy and decided against intruding on a girls' day (plus Skye). He knew he could swing by her apartment later on to visit his son.

He also missed Skye a lot. He reminded him so much of his baby girl at that age. He would remember how much baby Riv loved to cuddle him. Skye loved cuddling with Avie but JJ was a different story. It took the infant some time to adjust to him but once comfortable, JJ never wanted to let him go.

For now, JJ cuddled River up close to his side as John B sat on the opposite side of the couch.

"So, you gonna explain what the other night was about?" John B asked with a smirk on his face.

JJ raised an eyebrow at him, "Depends what you think happened the other night."

"Oh, don't act like we don't know what went down in that room." John B tilted his head towards the bedroom JJ and Avie occupied the other night.

"Sarah told you; hit her head." JJ shrugged but tried his best to hide the smirk on his face. He knew exactly what his friend was referring to. How he found out? JJ had no idea but he was excited to talk about it.

God, he could not stop thinking about her. He never did stop all these months apart from her but feeling so connected with her for the first time in a while planted a seed in his mind that was never going to go away.

"J," John B tilted his head to the side, "Avie doesn't hide her moans well when she's drunk."

River continued watching the show on the screen but shifted under her father's arm, sighing and relaxing her body again.

He looked down at her then back to John B, "Would you believe me if I told you she initiated it?"

"No." John B shook his head.

JJ nodded, "Yeah."

"You're lying, bro."

"I swear." JJ laughed. River whined wanting him to stop moving.

"Did you guys.."

"Nah," JJ pressed his lips together then continued, "As much as I would've loved to; she was way too gone for that." He chuckled, "Just a little two way street. Ya give and ya get, know what I mean?"

John B laughed lightly and shook his head at his friend, "I do and I'd rather not imagine Avie like that. She's like a sister."

"A hot sister."

"Alright." John B gave him a joking look to stop.

JJ laughed and reached over to hit his shoulder, "C'mon, I'm funny."

"Daddy, stop." Riv whined again as he made her readjust her position under his arm, annoyed that he kept moving her.

JJ chuckled, "Sorry, Riv." She huffed and crossed her arms, tucking her knees into her chest as she continued watching the show.

"Now you're annoying the child." John B raised his eyebrows at him.

He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Where does this leave you guys?"

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now