47. inspection

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Avie walked into the apartment as she held River's hand, seeing Ashton laying on the couch as Skye stood leaned against it and tapped his uncle's leg.

Ashton heard the door open and turned his head towards the door, "Yo," He sat up but held Skye's hand as the baby could not yet stand without help or leaning against something.

Avie smiled softly at the sight, "Hi,"

"Hi, baby Skye!" River dropped her mother's hand and ran towards her baby brother. She knelt down beside him in front of Ashton and took Skye's hands in her own. Skye smiled widely and accepted her hands, stepping towards her and trying to stand on her thighs. River giggled and helped him steady himself.

Ashton stood up and stepped around them once he saw that River could help him stand, "Where's JJ?"

"He's in the truck." Avie looked down momentarily and played with her fingers.

"Everything alright?" Ashton's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he watched his sister.

"Yeah," Avie sighed out, "just- he needed a minute."

"Any particular reason, Avie?" Ashton felt his big brother instincts kick in, worried that they fought or JJ did something to upset her.

Avie looked at him for a second then sat on a chair nearby from the kitchen, "CPS is coming."

Ashton was taken back, "What?"

She nodded without looking up at him, "Apparently Riv has too many bruises and the school was concerned."

"So they called CPS without talking to you guys first?"

Avie shrugged, "Her teacher seems to think JJ abuses her." She raised her eyebrows and looked up at her brother knowing that even Ashton was surprised. 

He shook his head, "I don't get it. What makes them think that he hurts her? She's fuckin' wild."

"They even marked down the bruise on her forehead from when you babysat."

"Are you kidding?"

Avie shrugged again.

Ashton huffed and looked off as he rubbed his chin, disbelief running through his head. 

He did not like JJ at first. Hell, he could barely tolerate the kid. He and Daylon did everything they could to stop JJ from seeing their little sister. They knew the people JJ hung around with, what he got himself involved in, and how he was raised. The protective brothers swore that they would not allow Avie with JJ. They felt as though he would turn out like his father; drunk all the time, high all day, wanting to try other drugs, abusing his lovers, etc. And let's be real, sometimes even JJ began to think of himself that way.

However, as the years passed and Ashton became more accepting of JJ, he was able to see the person that JJ truly was. Ashton saw how JJ treated her, how he always put her first, how he wanted to stay when they found out Avie was pregnant. JJ proved himself to Ashton, and even Daylon at times. 

Ashton knew this was a big mistake. He could not imagine JJ ever laying a hand on River in any other way than playful or when he picks her up to carry her. Ashton admired the type of father JJ turned out to be. Sometimes Ashton thought back to when his girlfriend years ago was pregnant. He made her terminate the pregnancy. Ashton swore it was for the better. And seeing how JJ is with his children made Ashton nervous he would never be able to parent the way JJ does. 

JJ does everything for his family; he works harder than almost anyone Ashton knew including himself, he stays up late with both Skye and River whenever they need, he takes off work if he needs to be there for them, he does everything in his power to make sure his kids, and Avie, are as happy as they could possibly be.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now