2. tense

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"It's okay, you're good." JJ told Avie as he guided her into her apartment. He placed a hand on her lower back and held the infant in the carrier in his other hand.

"Mommy, I help, too." River followed behind her parents after climbing up the stairs of the first home she was truly raised in above the coffee shop her mother once worked at.

"It's okay, Riv." JJ spoke as he shut the door behind them.

"JJ," Avie sighed and closed her eyes as she paused her steps, "Please just-" she huffed in attempt to not be rude, "Please don't touch me."

He stared at her for a moment almost forgetting that she was no longer his to hold. He shook his head and stepped back, wrapping two hands around the carrier, "Yeah, yeah, no. Right, got it."

The air was tense.

"Sorry," Avie breathed out and sat herself on the couch, "I'm just tired."

"Yeah, no. I totally get it 'cause like you just- you gave b-" His words slowly trailed off as he looked at her, "Sorry."

"It's fine." She whispered and leaned back against the back of the couch.

River climbed onto couch beside Avie and rubbed the side of her face into her arm. Avie leaned down and kissed her daughter on the crown of her head.

"Wow." JJ breathed and looked around the apartment. He had not been there since the day they moved out and into the bigger one to give their daughter her own room and create space for another addition.

It brought back so many memories; River's first time crawling, first steps, first words. Everything. All the moments he shared with Avie came flooding back to him but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he began to hear soft whines.

"Daddy, the baby is crying." River told him.

"Huh? Yeah, okay." JJ quickly placed the carrier on the coffee table and began to unbuckle Skye. He stared at his father as he whined and rocked his head.

"You can give him to me." Avie spoke.

JJ shook his head as he focused on unbuckling the infant.

"JJ.." Avie warned as she sat up.

"He's my kid, too, Avie." He gently scooped the small body into his hands and brought him against his chest. Skye began crying quietly as JJ rubbed his back and tried to sway with him.

"Give him to me. He's upset." Avie wanted to stand up but couldn't bring herself to muster up the energy.

"You're gonna have him all the time. Just let me hold him." He wanted so badly to be a good father again. He wanted to put in the effort and show Avie he was capable of co-parenting. He was so proud of how things turned out with River that he wanted to do it all over again but those feelings were no longer there. He loved the boy in his arms but there was no love in the surrounding relationship.


River flinched and shifted slightly away from her mother.

JJ's voice was low, "You promised not to fight in front of her."

Skye let out a loud wail as Avie's eyes darted to him then back to JJ, "Then give him to me."

JJ huffed and still attempted to soothe the crying newborn, "I want to help."

"He's probably hungry. I don't think you can help with that, can you?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Daddy, Skye wants Mommy." River chimed in.

JJ looked at Riv and sighed in defeat before slowly approaching them and handing Skye off to Avie.

Avie blew out a breath as she cradled Skye before beginning to readjust her shirt. She looked up to JJ and raised her eyebrows. Rolling his eyes, JJ turned to face the other way.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now