18. appointment

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JJ stepped out of the car, walking around and opening the door for Avie.

She looked up at him for a second then proceeded to carefully step out as she threw her mini backpack over her back. As she attempted to stand up straight she felt her legs shake slightly, feeling a bit weak. She stumbled and held herself on the car door.

JJ quickly grabbed her wrist and placed a hand on her back, "Watch yourself."

Avie shook her head and steadied herself as she walked to the back seat where Skye was, "I'm good." JJ pressed his lips together and nodded as he shut the door behind her, this time more gentle than earlier when he was still furious.

Neither of them were sure how to act after what just happened. JJ felt great. Avie didn't necessarily feel good or bad but she knew she felt better than she did beforehand.

"Hi, baby." Avie smiled as she spoke softly when she was greeted by her son waking up. Skye yawned before blinking his eyes open and cooing softly as he watched her face. She unclipped his straps and slipped him out. She held him against her chest as he wiggled with small movements. He was quiet and content as he took in his mother's embrace.

JJ closed the back door for her and followed behind as they walked into the pediatrician's office.

"Can you hold him?" Avie turned to him as they approached the front desk.

He thought she'd never ask. "Mhm." He nodded and held his hands out as she replaced her hands with his. He readjusted his hands to tuck under Skye's arms as his fingers supported the infant's head.

JJ turned as he walked towards a chair and held Skye out in front of him, "Wassup, my man?" JJ stared at his son with a small smile. He noticed how blue his eyes truly were in the daylight and how his blonde peach fuzz began to grow in more.

Skye made an 'o' with his lips as his eyes squinted, seeming happy and supported with his father's touch.

"You're one handsome man, Skye." JJ giggled at his face and sat himself down in a chair. He moved one hand behind Skye's head and let his bottom rest on his lap. "You better do good today." Though Skye was definitely not answering JJ's words, JJ loved talking to him and watching his little face change with every sentence. He didn't realize how much he missed River being this age until Skye came along.

Skye didn't talk back, throw tantrums, or even hide when he did something wrong. But then again, River was obviously much more independent and that made raising her much easier than a fresh baby.

"JJ," Avie pulled him out of his thoughts. She nodded her head towards the hallway that a nurse stood in as she waited for them.

JJ brought the baby against his chest as he stood up and made his way over to them.

The nurse smiled and guided them towards a room, "Right this way."


"That went well." JJ broke the silence in the car as he drove them back to Avie's apartment. It was quiet as soon as they entered the car and JJ was not sure why Avie had gone mute.

"Yeah.." Her voice was short and sweet as she nodded and looked out the window.

He glanced over at her then turned his eyes back on the road, "You alright?"

"Hm?" She looked at him with her eyebrows raised, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"Is this about what the nurse said?"

Things had gone really well. Skye was as healthy as he could be and did not cry once while there. But after their split was somehow brought into conversation, the nurse made a comment about how 'this is why teenagers shouldn't have children'. Something along those lines.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now