43. flowers

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I actually wanted to rewrite the end of this chapter but I did not have time so here it is! Lol


JJ had a hard time grasping the fact that Avie still spoke to River about Daylon in a positive light. He understand why she would do it; to keep River happy and not let her see the negative. But JJ saw the person that Daylon had been.

He saw the ugly, the addiction, the bruises, the fighting, the abuse, etc.

JJ noted how he was mentally sick and needed help but he hurt his family too many times and that was something JJ could never forgive.

Though, deep down he knew Daylon loved those kids more than anything. If there was one thing that could have healed him in another life it would have been the joy that River and Skye brought him. JJ was aware of this and sometimes wished he saw the babies more often. Maybe it would have pulled him back to reality.

But it did not.

And JJ was stuck on the pain that lingered from the marks he left.

He sat on a bench near Daylon's site with Skye on his lap. Skye sucked on his own fingers thanks to his new teeth coming in, taking in the scene around him. He leaned up off his father's chest and stared at all of the trees, plants, and bundles of flowers that grew around him. He saw all the colors within the flowers, trees swaying in the wind, and birds flying through the clear blue sky.

He was in awe of all that surrounded him, his piercing blue eyes barely blinking as if he was scared he would miss something amazing.

JJ held him up by placing a hand on the baby's belly so he would not lean too far forward. He rubbed small, gentle circles on the round little belly, feeling it move from hiccups after being fed.

River stood in front of JJ and Skye as she held Avie's hand, "Do you wanna talk to Uncle Day?"

"I'm good right here-"

"I'm talkin' to Skye." She pointed out.

Avie giggled, "Leave Skye with Daddy for now, okay?"

"But maybe Skye wants to see Uncle Day." River looked down and shrugged.

Avie sighed as she turned her head and looked to where Daylon's grave laid. Her heart began to sink as it filled up with all of the emotions she tried to keep far, far away from her mind most of the time.

"Maybe he wake up today?" River tilted her head innocently at her mother, squinting her eyes from the bright afternoon sun.

Avie closed her eyes for a moment and swallowed the lump in her throat. She was not ashamed of crying and definitely never hid her emotions from River, but she did not feel like explaining, again, that Uncle Daylon was not coming back. He was never going to wake up.

He was never going to walk out of his new home and talk to his niece and nephew. He was never going to show up at Avie's place one day to talk. He was never going to babysit his niece and nephew ever again. He was never going to make things right or better for Kiara. He was never going to get better. He died at his worst point.

A truth that even Avie had a hard time facing.

"Riv," JJ sighed, "Mommy tells you all the time. Uncle Daylon can't come back here but one day we'll go to him." He hated explaining this to his four year old. It was not easy for her to understand but she also would not understand putting it simply either. There was no easy way and he had gone through this conversation too many times.

"So, let's go to him now!" River stomped her foot and ripped her hand out of Avie's.

"Don't be difficult, River. You had a good day at school, now say 'hi' to your uncle, give him some flowers and let's go."

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now