8. happy

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Avie woke the next morning in a state of confusion as she sat up in her bed. Her eyes felt puffy and her head was pounding.

She looked over to the cot beside her bed which was missing the little boy that normally occupied it. Her head snapped to the space next to her where her daughter once laid.

"Fuck." Avie put her hands in her head as it began to pound harder, remembering how much she cried last night. Memories of the night prior suddenly made their way back into her head.

She remembered her conversation with JJ and how she allowed herself to be vulnerable in his arms. She cringed at her actions.

She couldn't believe she let him touch her again. She never thought she'd let him in again.

She didn't regret it but she knew it could not happen again. Not after what he did and how he made her feel. Moving on was okay and she wanted to but what she didn't want was to get that comfortable with him ever again. It was weak and would set them up for failure.

Avie sighed as she let another round of pounding pass before standing herself up and walking slowly out of her room.

She felt as if she was hungover.

She walked straight into the living room only to find her ex boyfriend and kids passed out on the couch together.

JJ was sleeping on his back with a hand resting on Skye's back who slept soundly on his belly, his head facing the inside of the couch. JJ's arm closest to the inside of the couch was laid above his head.

Between the back of the couch and his side laid River, her cheek smooshed up against his side as she was quite squished there. Her belly was pressed against her father's side with one leg over his thigh and an arm on his stomach. Her hand was touching Skye's foot that was clothed in a new set of footie pajamas that Avie assumed JJ must have put on in the middle of the night.

She noticed three empty baby bottles laying on the ground next to the couch, indicating that JJ had fed Skye multiple times throughout the night.

She smiled softly of relief knowing they were all sound and at peace after everything last night.

She couldn't deny how adorable JJ looked with the two of them cuddled up with him. It was hard to admit but he still was a hot dad even with his mistakes.

But Avie knew he was a good father. She'd even go as far to admit he was the best.

She had never seen Skye not in a crying fit while with JJ and she was so glad to see him sleeping comfortably with his father. It was a beautiful sight that Avie thought would never happen.

She wished things could be this way all the time and maybe someday they would but at this point in time Avie knew this was a one time thing. Letting her ex sleepover unintentionally wasn't even on her moving on agenda.

She took in the sight of her children and their father one last time then decided to make herself a cup of coffee to stay awake.

It didn't always work with how Skye acted but it was worth a shot.

Avie stood at her kitchen counter as she waited for the coffee to brew. She watched it drip from the coffee machine down into her mug.

She was taken out of her thoughts when she heard a voice from behind her, making her jump slightly at the unexpected noise.

"Mind making me some, too?"

She turned around to see JJ standing there. His blonde waves were going in all different directions and his sweatpants and sweatshirt were all sorts of twisted and uneven.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now