11. games

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JJ was making his rounds to his ex girlfriend's apartment Saturday morning, the morning before the get together at the chateau.

River hadn't slept well the night prior, having another panic attack as her nightmares took over her mind. Due to her exhaustion, she was passed out on her mother's bed while Avie, JJ, and her baby brother stayed in the living room and kitchen area.

The failed couple had gotten along recently, the passed couple weeks being quite peaceful for the family. They bickered here and there but caught themselves smiling together or even sharing a small laugh.

It was new to both of them; getting along (slightly). It felt off but they knew they had to keep pushing to get things to continue this way.

They had come a long way and they worked hard to get to this point. But in order for things to truly progress, they had to keep up the effort.

JJ sat on the couch burping Skye after giving him a bottle. He loved feeding his son as it made him feel so much closer to him. He never had to try with Riv; she was naturally attached to him but Skye was stubborn and JJ had to work to get to this point with him.

"Shit." JJ muttered as he stopped patting Skye's back, feeling a strong burp escape from his lips for spit up to pour onto his shoulder.

Avie looked over from her phone and noticed the small spot of spit up that piled onto his shoulder, definitely staining his shirt. She laughed a bit and stood up, "Hold on."

He huffed and shook his head, a small smile on his lips at how stupid he felt. Although it was normal, having your child throw up on your clothes wasn't exactly something he was proud of.

"Here." Avie sat on her knees beside him and took a paper towel to wipe his shoulder. JJ readjusted Skye to cradle him in his arms.

He let Avie finish cleaning off his shirt as he looked down at Skye, "Is this everyday?"

"Pretty much." Avie stood and walked to the kitchen to toss the dirty paper towel.

JJ glanced at his shoulder and scrunched up his nose, "Ew."

"You made him." She told him and washed her hands.

"Yeah, if that ain't high on my list of regrets."


He froze. He stared down at his son, not realizing how bad his words came out. He didn't mean it. He loved his little man with everything in him but he wasn't exactly proud of his actions that lead to making him. It was an accident. He didn't truly regret him but sometimes he wished things had stayed the way they were.

"What the hell does that mean?" Avie asked again when he didn't respond.

"Avie," JJ threw his head back knowing what was to come. They had done so well for a short amount of time and here he was making another mistake.

"Avie, what?" She snapped, "What on Earth would posses you to say that?"

"Fuck, Avie, it came out wrong! You know I don't regret him." He tried to explain.

"Really? Because you're constantly acting like you do and saying little things here and there. Now this? What is wrong with you?"

"Okay!" JJ raised his voice, "You're telling me you don't ever stop and think for one second how much better off things were before?"

"Better off? Skye didn't change anything!" Avie argued.

"Oh, no. That's right. You did." He chuckled with a mad tone to his voice, "You ruined and changed it all when you drained River's savings and used it to bail out your drug addict brother!"

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now