12. drunk

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After dropping off Skye at his grandparents' house and saying a hello to Riv, Avie found herself sitting on a branch laying in the grass at the chateau. She sat beside Pope with her hands in her lap, praying for the tension to go away.

Ever since she had first stepped out of her car, she saw the glare in JJ's eyes and knew nothing was okay between them.

Maybe their argument was proof they would never forgive each other and move on. Or maybe they will never be able to be civil co-parents.

It was both of their biggest fears to bring their issues to court.

JJ was two beers in and had plans to forget all his troubles tonight. Life was hard while working, raising two kids, and dealing with his ex. He felt as though he earned this. It was his first night back with the people he knew as family.

He sipped his beer as he sat beside Kie on the grass, "Avie, you dropped Skye at your parents'?"

"Mhm." Avie nodded awkwardly with her lips pressed together.

"Interesting how that worked out, huh?" He smirked at her knowing she would wind up coming despite her denial.

"I came to catch up with my friends. Not to see my ex that regrets his kids." She tilted her head at him.

"Woah, I didn't say both."

"So, you admit it's only Skye?"

"I do not regret either of them! My god, Avie!" JJ let his head fall back as he groaned.

"We all know Riv's your favorite anyway." She crossed her arms.

"Okay!" John B clapped his hands together to break up the argument that was brewing quickly, "Let's get to drinkin', how 'bout that?"

"Um, you wanna beer, Avie?" Pope nudged his friend's shoulder.

"Hm?" Avie shook her head while raising her eyebrows before looking at him, "No, no, I'm good. I'm just happy to see you all again." She forced a smile while shrugging her shoulders.

"We're happy to see you, Aves, but I think we all know you could use a drink." John B smiled at her as he stood in his bathing suit.

"Yeah, really. You have no idea how bad I've been wanting to text you." Sarah sat next to her so that she was between her and Pope, "Like seriously, I missed you so much and I was just scared you wanted to move on from us."

"What? No, I never wanted to let you guys go." Avie looked around at all her old friends, "Things were just hard and I thought we pushed you guys passed the point of return."

"Definitely not, Aves." Pope sent her a reassuring grin.

She briefly placed her head on his shoulder before lifting it back up again.

Kie stood up from sitting in the grass as she locked her phone and tucked it into the back pocket of her jean shorts. "Hey, life's not about holding grudges. We're passed that now, right?"

John B nodded in agreement before Pope and Sarah joined in.

"And I say," Kie walked over to the cooler of beer and picked one up, "we drink to forgiving and forgetting." She held it out to Avie and raised her eyebrows.

Avie smiled and shook her head as she took the can of beer from Kie. She flipped the cap open and took a quick sip.

"Oh, come on! What happened to the Avie we know?" John B grinned at her.

She rolled her eyes before standing up and lifting her beer in the air, "To you guys, my best friends always."

"And to moving on." JJ stepped closer to the group and held up his can of beer as well.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now