6. emergency

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Avie laid in her bed with her daughter beside her, sleeping soundly sprawled out just as she remembered from when they lived together.

Skye was asleep between them on his back, finally settling after another bottle. Riv had begged to 'help' get the baby to sleep then proceeded to beg to let him sleep with them.

Avie turned her head to look at River and smiled softly to herself when she assessed the scene.

It was so peaceful and although things got a bit crazy earlier, it was nice to have both of them. She almost wished she could keep both of them with her but she knew JJ would never allow that. She would also never do that to him knowing that she was his everything and more.

Riv looked so content beside her and Skye looked adorable between them.

Avie decided to take a quick photo of the two, cropping herself out of it then sending it over to their father. They did this often where they would take photos of whichever kid and share them with another. They didn't always respond but they always viewed and saved them.

She stayed still for a few moments, waiting to see if JJ would answer the text. They both did not have any photos of the two together so she figured he might answer this one.

But he didn't.

She locked her phone and set it on her bedside table before turning on her side to face her children. She noticed River twitching in her sleep, her breathing faltering slightly but didn't question it since most kids stir in their sleep.

But Avie continued to eye her down as it continued on, her breaths becoming increasingly faltered. She sat up and furrowed her eyebrows together while River began to quietly gasp as she tried to take breaths in her sleep.

"What the fuck.." Avie whispered. She had only seen her small panics when she was a baby in addition to the one she had while watching her parents fight. She had never seen it happen again nor did JJ ever want to make her worry.

Avie noticed a couple tears that pushed their way out of her closed eyes. She had no idea what to do. Does she let her sleep through it since most kids get nightmares sometimes or does she wake her up and risk making it worst?

As she was contemplating what to do with anxiety in her heart, River began wheezing in her sleep.

"Fuck." Avie whispered and instantly reached over a sleeping Skye to pick up her daughter. River instantly jolted awake but that did not put a stop to her panic. As Avie sat her in her lap she continued to gasp loudly, her eyes beginning to get wide as they darted all over the room as if to wonder where she was.

"Rivvy, it's okay. It's Mommy. It's okay." She tried to rock as she held her daughter into her chest but the little girl tried with everything in her to push herself away, confused as to what was happening.

"No, Riv. It's Mommy. I'm right here." Avie spoke sweetly to her but it was no help as her wheezing intensified, gasping for one solid breath but failing.

"No, no, no." Avie whispered when she looked down to see Skye's eyes open, wandering around the ceiling that he was looking up at. He wiggled slightly but she was relieved when he seemed content.

River continued to try and push her mother away as she did not know what was happening and only longed for one person. Her eyes were nearly popping out of her head in terror.

"River, it's okay. Look at me. Look at me." Avie tried to get the panicking child to look at her in attempt to bring her back to reality but she only screamed in fear.

And that scream was enough to set off the infant beside them.

"Shit." Avie whined to herself as she looked down by her side to see Skye sobbing and flailing his arms. She felt her eyes begin to water as she had no idea what to do and doubt began to take over her mind.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now