36. story

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*Please read this chapter with caution.


The rest of the night was calm, the young adults enjoyed their time with their closest friends that they considered family. Some drank, others chose not to of course.

Skye napped on the bed that JJ once spent almost every single night on.

River eventually got over herself and joined everybody calmly in the hot tub, not jumping in this time. She sat between Pope and Sarah, contributing to the conversation as if she knew what was happening or what they were talking about it. Most of the time she did but this conversation seemed to confuse her.

They were going on about which brand of beer causes the least about of damage to the body.

River had no idea what any of it meant.

"I like that one." She pointed to the beer can in her father's hand as he sat across from her.

He furrowed his eyebrows with a grin, "You never had beer, Riv."

Sarah laughed lightly, "I feel like I would've heard about it if you did."

Avie nodded, "True."

"Well, I like da colors. It's pretty." River shrugged staring at the blue can in JJ's hand. He rolled his eyes and took a sip.

They continued talking amongst themselves for a little bit longer until they saw a figure approaching in the distance. It was too dark to see clearly who it was but nobody moved as they all stared.

"Look! It's-"

"Sh!" Pope covered River's mouth with his hand, nervous that if it was someone who was out to hurt them, he needed to protect her.

Well, every single one of them felt the need to protect the Maybank kids. Ever since River was born and now with Skye, JJ has made it very clear that if something happens to either of them, he's going with. But before he does that, he would make sure whoever let it happen paid. No one wanted to see JJ's protection instincts kick in. They were stronger than the average father given that they were his only family. He had no one else but his two creations.

And on top of that, all the pogues treated the kids like their own. They loved River and Skye with all of their hearts and wanted to keep them out of harm's way. They were little pogues and they were part of the family, even if they were not necessarily planned in the first place.

River's eyebrows scrunched together, frustrated that her uncle just shut her up.

"Who is that?" John B whispered. They all stayed squinting at the figure, the automatic light on the side of the house not turning on to reveal who it was.

"I'm grabbing protection." JJ whispered as he started to stand out of the water.

Avie looked at him with an anger in her eyes then whisper-shouted, "You brought the gun!?"

"Have you not learned?" Sarah questioned.

River huffed and pushed Pope's arm away from her then swung her leg over the ledge of the hot tub, flinging herself out and landing roughly on her feet.

"River!" Avie stood up quickly, ready to grab her.

"The little bitch." JJ shook his head as he jumped over the ledge to get her.

She ran to the person approaching then stopped before them, "It's Aunt Kie!" She wrapped her arms around her aunt's legs.

Kiara giggled and rubbed River's head, "Hey, Rivvy."

"Jesus Christ, how the hell did she see in the dark?" John B stood in the hot tub, baffled by the child's perfect vision. Damn, was he getting old?

Avie let out a relieved sigh as she approached her friend, "Thank god, it's you."

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now