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DID NOT PROOFREAD. Editing tomorrow! :)


JJ stood outside of River's classroom with out Avie. Avie was too tired to get out of bed the entire day so her and Skye took the day to themselves. JJ, on the other hand, dropped River off at school then went to work and then left work early to pick her up from school.

It was safe to say JJ would probably be cooking tonight. 

AKA microwaving leftover mac and cheese.

He noticed River's eyes land on him through the window of the classroom door as she shot up from her seat and ran. Ms. Tee smiled at the young girl and followed behind to help open the door.

As Ms. Tee turned the doorknob, River 'helped' by pushing the door fully open. 

"Hi, Dada!" River wrapped her arms around her father's leg and pressed her cheek against his pants, happy to see that he was picking her up today. As weeks passed, JJ would be working during preschool pick up so most of the time it was Avie who picked up River. But River was happy to see her daddy present. 

"Hey, kid." JJ chuckled before looking at the young teacher.

Ms. Tee smiled warmly at him, "I'm happy to see everything turned out alright."

"Of course it did." JJ told her confidently. Though let's be real, he was far from confident in the moment knowing that he could have been arrested and taken from his family. 

Ms. Tee nodded her head once in an awkward fashion then changed the subject, "No Avie today?"

"Where is Mommy?" River asked as she looked up at JJ and took his big hand in hers. 

JJ glanced at her then looked back to Ms. Tee, "She's home with Skye. Wasn't feeling well."

"That's too bad. I hope she feels better." Ms. Tee spoke kindly.

JJ looked around with discomfort and nodded. He pressed his lips together before speaking again, "Well, we'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, she has some projects in her backpack from the passed couple weeks. She was so excited for you to see them."

"Thanks." JJ turned away as he began walking with River's hand in his.

"Have a good night!" Ms. Tee called politely. 

"You too." JJ called back but did not turn around. He did not want to turn around for she did not deserve that. She accused him of abusing his own daughter not too long ago. While Ms. Tee claimed that she was not accusing him of anything and only doing her job, her body language said otherwise. It was obvious that she believed it even a little bit. 

"Is Mommy really sick?" River asked as the two walked out of the building.

"Nah, she's just tired today." JJ replied.

"She been tired a lot."



"Why do you think?" JJ looked down at River to see her reaction.

River shrugged, "Mommy miss Uncle Day sometimes. She telled me she's got her period and cries more lately."

JJ sighed at the information he was sure his girlfriend told River. Avie did not hide anything from River that may affect her someday; getting a period and being emotional. JJ preferred not to have those conversations and knew Avie would educate her on them. He was safe from this topic.

"Did you know Mama bleed from her vagina?" River asked.

"River, please don't."

"Don't what?"

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now