22. apology

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Happy happy Wednesday!
Hope your week is goin' good.


JJ found himself waking up the following morning with his ex girlfriend pressed up against his chest as his body curved with hers. His arms were wrapped around her, one over her chest and the other under her neck. He felt a small pool of sweat against his chest and on her back due to the heat radiating from their bodies.

His hand laid against her chest, more than she probably would have agreed to, but neither of them changed their position throughout the night.

He felt a wet spot against his hand and he pulled it back to look, scrunching his eyebrows as he opened his eyes in confusion.

He noticed the slight wetness on his palm that came from Avie's breast, figuring it was just sweat.

"Avie," JJ whispered as he sat up onto an elbow. He leaned over her and saw the wet spot that formed on her breast. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and tapped her shoulder lightly, "Avie."

"Hm.." Avie's eyebrows knitted together as her eyes remained closed, not wanting to wake from her sleep.

She could not remember the last time she had slept so well. She felt well-rested and at ease for once. She didn't feel like she needed to turn back over and sleep for another ten hours.

"Avie, you got-" JJ paused as he examined his palm again, unsure if it was actually sweat or something else, "I think you're sweating."

Avie opened her eyes as they scanned her surroundings. She didn't mind that she had slept in her ex's bed the night prior and truth be told, she was pleased to be in his arms all night.

Finally her eyes found their way to her own chest as she realized what JJ had been talking about, "Oh my god." Suddenly, she was no longer tired.

She sat up quickly and kept her eyes down at her chest, examining the small spot that pooled from her breast.

JJ sat up on his elbows as he watched her.

Avie gently touched the spot then pressed her palm to her breast, "Holy shit," her face turned into an astonished expression, "that's not sweat."

JJ stared at her confused although he missed when they could be weird together and act however they wanted. He missed sharing intimate moments that they never shared with anyone else.

One of those moments was about to be this one.

She felt her eyes glaze over as she let out a breathy chuckle that she was holding.

"Hello? What is it?" JJ kept his eyes on her as she crawled out of the middle of the bed and made her way over to River's old cot that held Skye.

"Hi, baby." Avie's voice was joyful and sweet as she noticed her son laying in the cot awake as if he was patiently waiting for her to come get him. She gently scooped Skye into her arms as he gave her a short whine.

JJ sat up fully and let her climb back into the bed, "Doesn't he need a bottle?" He asked as he guided her by holding her bicep, not wanting her to fall or trip while holding the baby.

"I-I don't know." She stuttered with a hopeful grin. She sat between JJ and River, who was still passed out beside her. Avie lifted her top so it sat diagonally across her chest.

Just a few weeks ago she would have made JJ look away due to their built up resentment but the only thing on her mind right now was getting back something that she thought she had lost.

JJ's mouth parted slightly as his eyebrows raised, not sure why she was lifting her shirt since she no longer breastfeed Skye.

He remembered when Avie first told him that she was not well enough to continue breastfeeding and how her supply went down due to her stress levels. It hurt him to watch her go through that but Skye had done well on the formula after getting adjusted.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now