25. chateau

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The following day Avie spent her morning relaxing with Skye, getting some extra rest and cuddles in as she did not always get to. 

It was almost noon, she laid on the couch with Skye laying on her belly as she watched the television. He had just finished eating, laying awake as if he was watching TV, too.

Avie rubbed his back as she clicked the TV off. She sighed and looked down at him, growing bored from doing absolutely nothing. She always wished she had more time to do nothing yet here she was impatient that nothing was happening. 

She took a breath in before sitting up and letting a heavy breath out and pealing the baby off her chest. She held him up with one arm as she used her free hand to check her phone.

"Oh, shit." She whispered then locked her phone and set it next to her. She looked at Skye, "You're three months today, sir."

He looked up at her and licked his lips as he smiled up at her.

Avie smiled and rubbed a thumb on his cheek, "Happy three months, baby boy. You're gettin' so big. I can't even believe it." Her voice was gentle as she stared at him, admiring how much he has grown and taking in his little smile. She noticed his eyes had gotten brighter, seemingly more like JJ's the older he gets. She noticed the resemblance between the child and his father. 

At one point this would have triggered her, making her upset with the fact that her son only looked like her ex.

But now it brought joy to her heart seeing how beautiful the little boy was, knowing her ex was just as beautiful. 

As she was reminded of JJ, she decided to take Skye over to him rather than allow her ever-growing boredom to reach it's peak. That and she wanted to see JJ as well.

She knew he would be happy to see his son.

And her.

Eager to get to his house, she decided against giving him a head's up and decided on surprising JJ and River, knowing it would made the two of them ecstatic. 

"Let's go see Daddy, Skye. He'll be happy to see you on your three month birthday." Avie giggled to herself as she stood up and slid her flip flops on. She held Skye in one arm as she grabbed his diaper bag and keys. "Ready to go?" She looked at him.

Skye just stared up at her, challenging her stare-down as he had no idea what she was saying. He smiled before humming, "Hmm." He hummed with a grin as his eyes squinted together.

Avie smiled happily at his cute response and kissed his forehead before walking to the door.

She rushed out of her apartment door and down the stairs, excited to see JJ and River instead of sitting at home bored. 

She actually was not even sure if JJ had work today but she figured she'd give it a try. At least it got her and the baby out of the house.

She carefully set Skye into his car seat. He watched her hands as she buckled him in safely.

She thought of all those times she buckled baby Riv in. God, she probably did it wrong so many times.

Skye cooed and made a few soft noises, making Avie grow a smile wider than before. She paused and stared at him, seeing his father in his face, "I love you."

Skye wiggled his body in his seat as he grinned. Avie sighed, closing his door and going to the driver's seat.

After a short drive to JJ's house, she arrived but was thoroughly confused as she pulled into the driveway. She didn't see his truck, which wasn't too shocking since he could have been at work.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now