19. care

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Something Avie never feared as a child were her two brothers. They teased her here and there but she knew, above all, that they would always be her protectors. They rarely ever said it but they loved her. Rian always warned them since she was born that they had to be gentle and keep her safe. Ashton and Daylon promised.

They never broke that promise until JJ came along. Avie started keeping secrets, sneaking around, dating the guy that they hated, etc. That was when everything changed. Daylon got worst and worst until Rian and Amelia forced him into rehabilitation. After being diagnosed with severe anger management issues and bipolar disorder, he was prescribed exactly what he needed and got better.

But after the turn of events and broken promises, Avie learned to fear Daylon even as he got better. She held her guard up around him, knew to tip toe around certain subjects, and checked in on him every once in a while.

Being caught up with her children and ex boyfriend, she was blind to how his stability was slipping.  She thought she could trust him again. Hell, she even let him watch both River and Skye alone.

But now all of the effort and time that went into building their trust and relationship back was shattered. It was lost and she was sure it would never be found again.

Avie's shaking hand held the keys of her apartment as she struggled to get it into the lock. She twisted it then gently opened the door.

She was slow and careful, her breath was still trembling at the thought of what her brother did. The brother that promised to protect her alongside Ashton.

Her neck was throbbing and her back was sore from Daylon's hand pushing her into the wall by her neck.

She stepped in and saw River sitting on the couch watching a show. She was almost scared to see her daughter.

River was smart. She was attentive to many details that most four year olds would likely miss. Like the time her father had the smallest cut on his hand and she was smart enough to notice and point it out. She picked up on the little things. Toys were fun sometimes but they were not exactly her favorite activity. She enjoyed playing with her parents or aunts and uncles. She liked feeling involved and participating in their conversations.

With that being said, Avie was petrified that her daughter would point out the forming bruise on her throat.

"Mommy!" River smiled wide as she noticed her mother close the front door. She jumped off the couch and ran over to her.

Avie noticed she was no longer in the cropped top she had chosen earlier. That's what happens when you leave JJ alone with the child in an outfit he did not approve of.

"Hi." Avie breathed out. Despite the conversation she knew was coming, she was so relieved to see her baby girl. After Daylon's words snaked their way into her brain, seeing River was the most exciting thing on the planet right now. "What are you doin'?" She knelt down to the little girl's height and squeezed her in a hug.

"I watch the cake show with Daddy." River told her in a happy tone. She pulled out of the hug and tapped Avie's arm, "Mommy, Mommy!"

"What?" Avie giggled and watched River's eyes scan the room as she thought.

Her eyes made their way back to Avie as they scanned her face, "Skye had a baba," her words slowed as the new darkness on her mother's neck caught her attention, "and then.. Mama, what's on your neck?"

Avie paused then brought a hand to her neck where the new bruise was forming. She shook her head, "It's nothing, Riv. Don't worry." She smiled sweetly at River, "Where's Daddy?"

"Did you get a booboo?" River tilted her head.

Avie stood up as she did not want this to continue for JJ to hear. She did not want him seeing what Daylon had done to her. He'd say 'I told you so' then want to fight him.

Too Much (Sequel to Baby Pogue) // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now