Chapter 3

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Angelina's pov

"Mommy, mommy wake up" I heard Luna voice shaking me up.

I opened my eyes and looked at Luna. She was sitting on the bed infront of me shaking my shoulder.

"What is it baby" I asked and yawned still feeling sleepy.

"I am hungry" she said pushing her hair back which was falling on her face.

"Did you brush your teeth" I asked sitting up. She shook her head. I looked at the time and found it's six thirty in the morning. I got up from the bed and picked her up going to the bathroom. First I bathed her and made her brush her teeth. After getting her ready for the day, I took a shower and got ready wearing a hoodie and leggings.

I was making breakfast as Luna played in the living room with her toys. Alice came in.

"Good morning my favorite people" she said.

"Good morning aunt Alice" I heard excited Luna voice. I smiled plating the pancakes.

"Good morning Alice" I said from the kitchen. I took the plates and turned around to the dining table in the kitchen.

Alice came in carrying Luna.

"Pancakes!" Luna said clapping her hands in happiness.

"Can you marry me" Alice asked looking at the plate. I chuckled and took Luna from her. I placed Luna on high chair and she immediately started eating.

"I thought you wouldn't ask" I said sitting next to Luna. Alice sat across me and started eating. She moaned taking a bite of it.

"This is so good" she said stuffing her mouth with her pancakes. I chuckled shaking my head.

Everyday we meet in the morning because she drop us at the daycare and dine before she goes for her work. Her shift is from twelve to nine. So in return I told her to join us for breakfast. It's been like this since we have met. She had also helped me in raising Luna. She didn't judge me like others when I came here with Luna. She became my friend and waited for me to tell her. I am so grateful for her.

I watched Luna as she ate her breakfast. She had chocolate syrup all over her mouth. I wiped her mouth with the tissue and helped her to eat. Soon we all ate the breakfast. As I was doing the dishes, Alice helped Luna pack her bag for the day.

"Are you ready Luna" I asked when I took my things. It was slightly cold outside so I took beanie for me and Luna.

"Yes mommy" she said. I put her beanie and took her hand. I locked the door and we went down to the parking lot.

We arrived at the daycare. I helped Luna out and took her inside to Claire.

"Bye baby, be good" I said kissing her cheek.

"Bye mommy" she said waving her hand at me.

I went back to Alice car.

"For a second I thought you were a guy because I didn't see your hair from that beanie" Alice said as I got in. I chuckled and touched my beanie.

"It was slightly cold outside so I thought to put it. Should I remove" I asked.

"You look cute, don't remove" she said driving to my dine.

"I don't have work after my shift. We can eat lunch together, I will come to the hotel" I said.

"Why? Don't you have work at library" she asked.

"Charlie is out of state, so the library is closed for few days" I said.

"Sounds good to me. Meet me at the hotel" she said parking her car at the dine. I bid her goodbye before going inside.

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