Chapter 8

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Angelina's pov

Just like that two weeks have passed by.

Me working my three jobs and getting relaxed on Sundays. It's good. And also avoiding Kai. It's very hard when Luna keeps asking about him. I take the every chance to be away from him.

Also I thank the lord for giving him so much work in his office.

Because after he came to my apartment. He took Luna to his penthouse the next day when my shift started and looked after her. I sent Alice to pick her after my shift had finished. After that he has been busy. He just talks to Luna when he returns from work at ten. Well he didn't keep his promise of meeting Luna everyday and I am grateful for it.

And now it's been three days he hadn't seen Luna and she keeps asking me about it. I console her some how. I keep praying that he will forget about us and leave us alone.

Today is Saturday, my last day of work in this week. Tomorrow we are going shopping. Since I started working in this hotel, it pays really good for part-time job. I am looking forward to buy clothes for Luna.

Currently I am going to the hotel with Luna. I bought her a lolipop as she licked it.

"Hey Alice" I said when I met her at the reception.

"Hey Char, Hey pumpkin" she said. I put Luna bag behind her as they kissed their cheeks greeting happily.

"Off I go. See you soon" I said giving a kiss to Luna on her forehead.

I started my shift after changing into uniform.

It was eight when I went to meet them. But I found only Alice.

"Where is Luna" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Our boss Kai Blackstone and his idiot friend took Luna to the penthouse as soon you left" she said.

"You shouldn't have sent her. We spoke about this. We should stay away from them" I said.

"I know. But she started crying to go with them. I couldn't see her cry" she said.

"What should we do" I said.

"Don't worry. After my work completes, I will get her. Now go continue your work" she said. I sighed walking away.

After my work finished, I went to the spot where we meet in the hotel. I didn't find Luna and Alice. I took out my cellphone and called Alice. After sixth ring, she picked up.

"Where are you? I just got off from my work" I asked.

"It's me Kia" I froze hearing his voice.

"Why are attending her call? Is she alright? Is Luna okay?" I fired him with questions because I was worried.

"Nothing happened. Everyone is fine. Come to my penthouse, you will know" he said hanging up without hearing my reply.

Quickly I got into the elevator and pressed the twentieth floor to Kai's penthouse. I got out and knocked at his door. In few seconds he opened it.

"Baby" I said as soon as I saw her in Kai's arms who was smiling at me. I took her and kissed her forehead.

"Mommy, I had so much fun. I played video games with Kai and uncle Thomas" Luna said smiling at me.

"Really. That's good" I said smiling at her. I looked at Kai and he is already looking at me.

Then I heard shouting from inside.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Come and see yourself" he said letting me in. I went inside to the living room.

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