Chapter 18

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Angelina's pov

I don't know why I feel like I have been followed by someone for the past few days.

All the time I would turn back and look for someone whom I think is following me, but I find no one. The normal people walking around minding their own business. But there is an unsettled feeling in my heart.

All the time I walk on the streets of New York. I am in alert. I look around all the time and be safe. Especially when Luna is with me. Whenever Alice drive me, I feel safe but during my walks, I am starting to get scared. I know someone is following me but they are very good at hiding. I just want my baby safe.

I finished my shift in dine and was walking to the daycare to pick Luna.

I stood at a stop signal and waited for it to turn green.

After few seconds, it turned green and people started crossing the road.

Again I felt like someone is following me and keeping an eye on me. I turned back to see but found nothing. I fastened my pace and reached the daycare.

"Hello Claire" I greeted her walking to the door.

"Hello Charlotte" she said.

I opened the door and walked inside. Luna was slumped in the chair frowning at the floor as the other kids played.

"Baby" I called her. She looked up and ran upto me. I picked her up and looked at her. She looked disappointed.

"What happened baby? Why are you sad?" I asked.

"Kai didn't come to meet me today" she said.

"Baby, he might be busy so he might have not come" I said.

"But he always comes to meet me" she said sadly.

"Don't worry baby. He will come tomorrow if not today" I said trying to convince her as much I can. I don't know why he didn't come to meet her. It's his usual timing at the morning as he meet her at the daycare. I want to know why he didn't come today.

Curiosity kills the cat Charlotte.

I ignored my mind and walked out of the daycare carrying Luna's bag.

As I turned at the corner of the street. I felt that again, someone following me. I fastened my pace holding Luna close me.

Suddenly someone bumped into me, roughly bumping my shoulder with theirs. And whispered something in my ear making me freeze in my place.

"I found you"

A frightened shiver ran throughout my body. I hugged Luna tightly and looked back but I found no one. Who is the one who bumped into me. I turned back and started walking fast looking my back constantly.

My mind was clogged with horrible things as I think about the whisper. Is it my imagination or did they find me.

I was not knowing where I was going but I lost the track to the library. I just walked walked thinking not to get caught. I didn't know where I was until Luna called me.

"Mommy where are we" she asked. I stopped walking and looked at her.

"Huh?" I said and looked around the place.

I just realised that I came into the business world. Many people were talking into their Bluetooth walking in and out of the tall buildings. The place looked very posh and expensive. I didn't know I walked into the another world of New York.

Suddenly something caught my eyes.

KB industries.

With the same design of butterfly.

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