Arnec And Scar Again

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Just Arnec and Scar again. Did really good this time I think.

Hilariously enough, Scar's icon is mirrored

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Hilariously enough, Scar's icon is mirrored. The scar is over his right eye, not his left. sTyLiStIc cHoIcE.

Scar has honestly been revamped a lot recently, for totally unknown reasons not pertaining to two edgy characters I like to rant over. Anyways, here's a closer view where the scar is on the proper side

One interesting difference between the two is how they are with their team

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One interesting difference between the two is how they are with their team. Arnec for example when giving orders:

"Tangle, you get the left, Whisper get the right. I'll take the middle and draw them away from you. Varcolac*, let's show these Demons what happens when you bark up the wrong tree!"

Meanwhile with Scar...

"Strangle, Scream, move in from the sides and take them down! I'll cut them down from the middle! Wurdulac*, go!"

Also, Scar has a lot more noticeable German accent than his Prime Mobius counterpart. Although he is Arnec's "evil" version, he isn't just an Edgelord like my previous post suggested. He does care, mostly about Strangle and Scream, but he does show care for someone at least. But he is more prone to raging and is a lot more competitive. Basically he's Arnec's worst personality traits exaggerated. While Arnec gets emotional easily due to getting easily attached, Scar is borderline a sociopath because he gives so little craps about anyone but Strangle and Scream. Both are caring but in the opposite way. Arnec cares about all his friends and doesn't want to have to fight his entire life. But Tangle is the only person he's ever loved and Whisper is a sister to him. Meanwhile Scar only cares about Strangle and Scream because him and Scream has signs of PTSD and Strangle has random acts of rage, Scar and Scream being the only ones able to get her to calm down. He is human though, he isn't an Edgelord for no fecking reason. He  didn't have Lucifer to help contain his rage like Arnec did. Scar hunted Tygrys down and embraced his demonic heritage before cutting the demon down. He defeated a god when he was less than 14 thanks to that power, Arnec was 17 and still needed some help. Unlike any of the IDW villains, Scar is an actual threat. But he isn't stupid, he can be reasoned with if you know what to say. He doesn't need to threaten you because he can just slice you in half before you even blink, like he did to Artmis. He isn't in it for the violence though, there's no lust for blood. He killed Tygrys for revenge, Anti-Fayn (whatever I name him) because he was in the way. If he kills someone, there's a reason. Whether they hurt an innocent person or got in his way when they shouldn't have. He can be seen as similar to Thomas Wayne's Batman in the Flashpoint universe from DC comics.

I don't have his theme as Bury the Light to be edgy, it's because it fits his character. He's Arnec if he embraced the darkness within him and literally buried the light inside of him. And it was when his family home was destroyed in a fire, his mother dying in front of him and a demon scarring his eye, when he buried that light and became Scar, the archangel. Just like Arnec, Scar had a deep emotional connection to his mother, her being the only one he had ever cared about because she could understand his pain, like Arnec's mom. He doesn't even know his old name and he doesn't really care either. Unlike Arnec, he doesn't care as much about his past and it doesn't hold him back as much as it does Arnec.

Oh and kind of as a joke and being sorta serious, I made an alternate version where I put the things I dislike about Surge's canon design in.

See how the cheap edge and similar colors between clothes and fur makes him more generic and he stands out less? I call this "Scar with daddy issues"

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See how the cheap edge and similar colors between clothes and fur makes him more generic and he stands out less? I call this "Scar with daddy issues"

*These are the teams they're in as planned in Sonic Legacy Pt 2. Varcolac is Slavic, meaning Werewolf. Wurdulac is also Slavic, meaning Vampire. Basically another rivalry thing.

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