Sonic Legacy Weapon Concept Art "Garuda"

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Little concept for a weapon for Hawker. The Weapon is Arcadian in origin (I'll explain) and is a hybrid shotgun/sword.

 The Weapon is Arcadian in origin (I'll explain) and is a hybrid shotgun/sword

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At the press of a button, the trigger slides into the handle and the plasma blade ignites with a hiss

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At the press of a button, the trigger slides into the handle and the plasma blade ignites with a hiss.

Now for what in the hell an Arcadia is. Basically it's a realm where magical owls live, including a certain one named Longclaw. Yes, she's in Legacy now. But basically during the Divine War (where angels, Demons and Mobians fought a war against each other, with the Sol Dimension joining Mobius before the Zeti nearly wiped the Mobians out and in return the Demons nearly wiped the Zeti out. The Divine War was long, bloody, and nobody truly won.) Arcadia was a neutral faction, although they leaned towards Mobius. Longclaw would venture there and wound up having a child with a Mobian before being forced to leave as her people were basically going to disappear by making their dimension go into another plane of existence. (Fun fact: that Mobian was Hawker's ancestor.) However, Arcadia would reappear and as it turned out, they thought less than 10 years had passed. In reality, the war "ended" a couple decades ago and Arcadia went missing a few centuries ago. Also, Zavok was on his way to steal some of their dreadnoughts. With as much firepower as the dreadnoughts would give them, the Zeti could wipe everyone out. And so, a joint operation occurred between the Arcadian militia (As they had demilitarized), the Silent Shadow (Arnec's personal demon faction), the Solian royal army, and the Restoration where they would repel Zavok and destroy the dreadnoughts. Hawker would stay in Arcadia, stating that he "felt something" and this is when he'd find out about him and Longclaw's relation. Longclaw, feeling sad about never seeing her lover or child ever again, would see Hawker as her son, helping him deal with his personal demons. As a thank you for helping repel the Zeti, an Arcadian scientist would help Hawker design his own weapon, as his guns weren't exactly in the best of conditions nor pretty. This weapon, Garuda, would be a double barrel shotgun that fired plasma infused buckshot and could have a plasma blade, effectively turning the gun into a sword. The back of the fun can also be used as an impromptu pickaxe in case shanking someone to death with a glowstick isn't your cup of tea!

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