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(Mmm, angst, my beloved. And fluff too. I'm also having bad period cramps rn 😔.)

(Third person pov)

He had been walking around for ages. Where was he? He couldn't see was pitch black. Every now and then he'd see a different colour. Pink. But he's just run away from the visions. Nothing else. No one else. Just...him, black, and pink. He wanted to give up and sit down and cry. He wanted to let it all out. The loneliness. The silence. The sense of dread. The fear. But, no matter how hard he tried...he couldn't stop walking. It wasn't cold, nor hot. He wasn't even sure he could feel anything. He tried to look down to see if he had a body, but...his head was fixated forward. He tried to scream for help. Nothing. He tried to do anything. Nothing. Then, he saw it again...that flash of pink. It would just stand there, looking at him. It didn't say anything and he couldn't tell what it was thinking. This time, he had nothing to lose, so he stepped closer to the figure. It disappeared. Just another hallucination. He wanted any contact. Anything. Even if it was pain. He was so desperate for anything. He wasn't even sure if he was breathing. Was he even himself? Was he real? What was he? Who was he? Where was he? How was he?

Jack opened his eyes. He would've jumped up from the dream if there wasn't limbs holding him in place. He looked to the side, where the limbs seemed to be coming from, and immediately relaxed. He saw Dave. His nightmare and reaction to it seemed to wake the other though. The other let out a small "hm?" in response. "Nothing." He whispered back. "Another nightmare?" Dave slightly opened his eyes. Jack produced a small nod in response. As he adjusted to the real world again, he realized he had tears on his face. Dave simply hugged closer to Jack and wiped the other's tears away with his hand. Jack melted into the tighter hug. He felt way safer. His heartbeat had calmed down from when he first woke up. "It's okay, babe. I'm here." He heard Dave mumble. He relaxed fully when he heard the other's new york accent and hugged back. He kissed the other's neck and nuzzled into it. Slowly, he was drawn back into sleep with the new comfort he felt.

(Gæ dude, gæ. Omg heatwaves just started playing on my spotify mix 👀. Anyway, bye sweeties. ❤❤❤)

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