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(Just to remind you, this is indeed smut, so if you aren't up for that, have a great day and stay hydrated.)

(Third person pov)
Jack slowly walked to the Saferoom and opened the door. He was met with the contrasting dim light to the blinding lights outside. He closed the door, and noticed Dave sitting in the corner, on his phone. He walked towards Dave and sat in front of him. "Hey, Davey!"
"Hey, Sportsy!"
Jack scooted closer. Dave put his phone upside-down on the floor next to him. "C'mere, babe." Dave held his hands out to Jack. Jack sat on Dave's lap and Dave hugged Jack. Dave leaned in and kissed Jack. Jack smiled and kissed back. Their hearts both sped up. When they pulled back for air, it was clear both of them wanted more.
"...h-hey, I'm really horny right now, babe."
Dave smirked. "I am too...could we...?" Dave wanted consent. Jack nodded. Dave slowly leaned close to Jack's neck. Feeling Dave's breath on his neck made Jack close his eyes and slightly smile. Dave leaned further in and started sucking on Jack's neck. He moved around until he found Jack's sweet spot. He abused the spot, sucking harder, definitely leaving hickeys that would be visible soon. Jack moaned lightly, and started rubbing their crotches together. Dave pulled back and took Jack's shirt off, followed by taking his shirt off. He lightly pushed Jack to the floor and laid on top of him, gently pulling him back into a kiss. They soon slipped both their pants off being left in their boxers. They continued to make friction by rubbing together. Dave led his hands down and pulled off Jack's boxers. He moved to Jack's hard member and started gently licking it. Jack moaned lightly. Dave then started taking in Jack's tip and then the rest into his mouth. He sucked harder, making Jack's moans louder, before he came in Dave's mouth yelling the nickname he gave Dave, 'Davey.' Dave swallowed it and smiled and Jack. He took off his own boxers and grabbed some lube from his bag. He then put his phone back in his bag, remembering he had it on the floor. "Wow, dude. Have you been waiting for this, Dave?"
"Gotta be ready for anything." Dave responded. Jack rolled his eyes and chuckled. He sat up and faced away from Dave. Dave put some lube on his fingers and moved back to Jack. He stuck a finger in Jack, making him moan slightly. After a few seconds of letting Jack adjust, he adds a second, one making Jack moaned again, slightly louder than last time. Dave let Jack adjust again before pulling his fingers out and putting more lube on his member before slowly sticking it inside of Jack. He let Jack adjust before moving around inside him. Dave finally released inside of Jack before pulling out.

(Dudeeee, I got soon lazy at the end lmaooo. I lost all motivation for this halfway through sorry 😅. Anyway, hope it's at least decent since I didn't try. Love you sweeties ❤❤❤.)

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