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(Again, made months ago)

"Dave looked at the man he had had a crush on for a while now. He thought he looked so pretty, but he usually only talked to him as a best friend would. He was gathering courage to ask out Jack, he was prepared for the worst. He purposefully let Jack go in the saferoom first, so if this went wrong, he could just run away and say 'haha, jk, no homo!' He exhaled and went into the saferoom. "Oh, hey, Dave!" Jack had been looking for Dave because he couldn't find him. "Hey, Sportsy!" Jack loved that nickname. It made him feel warm inside, so he could help but smile. Dave saw Jack smile and smiled back. "Hey...so, I was wondering..." Dave was now back to being nervous. "Hm?" Jack was more confused than anything. "Do you..." Dave took a deep breath. "Doyouwannagooutwithme? Imeanit'stotallyfineifyoudon'twantto-" Jack just blinked. "What?" Dave looked away. "Do y-you wanna go out with me?" Jack felt his face heat up. "O-of course!! I've been wanting to ask you for forev-" Jack was cut off by Dave kissing him. Jack closed his eyes and kissed him back. They stayed like that until they ran out of air. They pulled back while panting slightly. They smiled at each other. Dave put his hand on Jack's cheek and Jack tilted his head and relaxed into the touch. Dave leaned forward and touched their heads together. They looked each other in the eyes and hugged each other. "I love you, Davey." Dave smiled. "I love you too, Sportsy."


""I...can't go with you guys..." Jack looked down at the floor because he didn't want to look at Dave's face. "W-what...? N-no, I can't be left alone again..." Dave sounded like he was about to have a mental breakdown. Jack felt tears start to well up in his eyes. "...I-I'm sorry...but I...don't have a soul..." Jack felt a few tears escape his eyes. "No..." Dave got on his knees (📸😳) and hugged Jack's legs. "Please...I can't lose you too..." Jack just looked away. "I-" He looked at the man in front of him. "P-please...I don't care if I have to stay here, just let me stay w-with you..." Dave looked up. Jack closed his pain-ridden eyes and felt more tears escape. He knew that Dave had to move on, but...he felt so bad for him. He slowly knelt to the ground and put his face in Dave's chest. He heard Dave let out a sob. They stayed there for a good few minutes before looking each other in the eyes. "I love you, Jack." Jack looked at him and just smiled faintly. "You too..." Jack leaned in and kissed Dave. They took a few moments to stay like that before pulling away. "Please...just let me stay with you..." Jack looked down. "...if you truly want to stay...I won't stop you." Dave simply looked at him and nodded. "I understand."


Jack came closer to him and sat on him lap. "!" Dave was noticeably surprised. "Oh sorry-" Jack was about to move again before Dave cut him off. "Ohnononononoyou'reokayIwasjustcaughtoffguardI'malsokindahornyrightnow..." Jack smiled at him. "No, you're fine haha..." He looked down. "Wait a minute- what did you say at the end????" Jack suddenly looked back at him. "Uhhh...-" Jack got closer to his face. "Did you say you were horny-???" Both of their faces heated up. "Uhhhhh-" Dave looked away. He felt his member stand up. God that was hot. Dave thought to himself. Jack started rubbing himself a little on Dave. Dave was surprised at first but then pushed Jack to the ground. "Mmmm~" Jack blushed. Dave started rubbing on him again. He took his shirt off. He got off Jack and started sucking on his neck. Jack took off his shirt and closed his eyes.

Haha, jk, horny jail 🔫😘📸.

Anyway, roll it from the top.

"I understand." Jack hugged him and looked down. Dave hugged back. "I love you." Jack smiled at the sudden statement. "You too." He pulled away and kissed him again. This time more passionately. They stayed like that for a while. "What now?" Dave asked. Jack looked to the side. "Well I was planning on staying here by myself, so I didn't account for another person. In other words: I don't fuckin' know, man." Jack looked back at him. "Well, what did you plan on doing here by yourself?" Dave almost tilted his head. Jack opened his mouth. "..." He closed it again. He tried again. "I...guess just staying here...for eternity..." Jack cringed at how bad that sounded. "...so you were willing...to give up everything, including your afterlife, just for us?" Dave made eye contact with him. "I...yeah." Jack just looked away. Dave put a hand on his cheek. "Huh?" Jack looked back at him. Dave smiled and tilted his head. "God, you're so selfless..." Dave leaned forward and connected their foreheads. "And you're a dork." Jack smiled at him. "I'm your dork." Dave smiled back.

Now in character.

Yada, yada, "can't go with you." Blah blah. sad gay people. Anyway, back to it. Jack was laying on Dave's lap as he was playing with his hair. "So, how long do we gotta stay here?" Dave looked down at Jack. "It's the afterlife, Dave, it's forever." Jack looked up at him. "Ugh, that's sooooo long though." Jack rolled his eyes. "Chill, the only reason I let you stay was 'cause I pitied you." Jack looked back down. "That's mean, Sportsy." Dave stopped playing with Jack's hair. Jack rolled his eyes again and sat up. "Here, will this shut you up?" Jack leaned in and kissed Dave. Dave kissed back. "Fine, but you need to do that often or I will keep talking." Dave said as he pulled away. "Mhm..." Jack rolled his eyes for the third time (maybe he'll see a brain back there) and hugged Dave. "Alright, 'm fine with that, but let me sleep for 2 minutes." Jack laid his head on Dave's chest. "Only if you kiss me after you get up." Dave looked down. "God, you're so clingy, dude..." Jack muffled. He felt his body shut off. God this is so boring. Dave immediately thought. He was so restless but couldn't really move because an orange was laying on him. He just sighed and laid down also, allowing Jack to be onto of him as he hugged him. He gradually fell asleep as well."


"Dave awoke to a warm feeling underneath him. "Jack?" He slightly nudged the man he was cuddling with. "Hm?" Jack turned around to look at him. "Why's it so cold?" Jack shivered slightly and hugged closer to Dave. "You're warm, are you sure you don't have a fever or something?" Jack looked up at him. "Ah, no I feel...fineee..." He tried to sit up but Dave pulled him closer, he was too weak to fight back. "See? If you were okay, you'd be stronger than me. You should get some rest." Jack eventually relaxed in Dave's arms. "I know you're tired because you've been pulling all nighters. Just get some sleep, Jack." Dave relaxed some too. "Wi- Dave?" Jack covered his mouth at the slip-up, he'd never really been this relaxed enough that he'd almost say William instead of Dave. "Sorry." Dave just smiled it off and laughed. " I don't really care if you call me that. If it was anyone else, I'd be mad. But, you let me grow as a person, so the least I could do is let you use that name." Jack smiled back at him. "I was wondering how you knew I was staying up late..." Jack put his head in Dave's chest."It's obvious when you don't come to bed, Jack." Dave put his hand on Jack's head. "I love you, Will." Dave smiled. "Love you too, Jack.""

(^ Again, word for word. have fun reading, make your own endings blah blah. hey, I get to make more chapters at the labor of my younger self who didn't think anybody would see it.)

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