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Jack leaned back, quickly learning Dave was behind him. Not like he really cared though, it was way better than leaning on a cold wall. "What're you thinking about?" Jack looked up. "Eh...life." Dave nodded, completely understanding. He wrapped his arms around Jack. He sighed and placed his hands on top of Dave's. They both relished in the physical contact. After a few minutes, they heard footsteps.

Soon a small feminine figure appeared. Dave felt Jack pulling away and he let him go. "Hey, Dee. What's up?" Jack walked closer to her. Dave started dissociating, not paying attention to the conversation. He leaned back on a wall, feeling chills as soon as his back came in contact to said wall. After however long, Dave was brought back to reality with someone pinching him. He almost flinched, surprised, before looking down at Dee pinching him?

He looked back up to see Jack had left? "I-" he was taken aback at the situation he was in. "What happened?" Dee looked up at him, slightly tilting her head. "Uh...I think Jack said something about..." Dee looked to her left and took a second. "Honestly, it's been a while..." Dave blinked. "H-how long?" Dee looked further to her left. "Ehhh...I'd say about an hour." Dave was taken aback to say the least. "An hour?"..."Yeah..."

"Why'd you pinch me?" Dee shrugged at this. "It was boring and it looked like you'd been daydreaming." Dave was still confused asf, but he'd let most of it go for now. "Do you know where he is?" Dee thought deeply. "Well..." She sighed. "He told me to watch you because he noticed you were spacing out. I guess since you're awake now, we can go looking for him."
"C'mon..." Dee took a second. "uh...Dave? Sorry, it's just weird to call you that." Dave shrugged and followed her.

It didn't take long to find Jack and...Henry? Dave walked backwards. "What's-" Henry began to speak. "William. Did you ever think anyone would love you? That anyone would tolerate you? I thought you were smarter than that...I guess I was wrong." He felt his heart sink as he realized Jack was smiling, seemingly agreeing with him...he looked at his eyes and was met with a coldness only achieved by few people...it reminded him of Henry.


Dave opened his eyes, apparently waking because his brain went into fight or flight mode. He looked to his side and saw Jack clinging to him. Said man began waking up it seemed. "U.hg...wh.at..time is it?" His voice was low and groggy. Dave looked at a nearby clock. "1:09AM." His voice was also low since he'd just woken up too. Jack groaned and laid his head on Dave. "Wh.y..are you up?"

"J.ust a...bad dream. Sorry" Jack shook his head. "Are you okay?" Dave sighed. "It's fine." Jack sat up to lay his head closer to Dave's. Now that he could see his face, he saw Dave had been crying, whether knowing it or not. He went to cup Dave's face, but he flinched. "Sorry..." He pulled back. "N-no, it's fine." Dave went to hold Jack's hand and placed it on his face. "Will you tell me what you were dreaming about?" Dave sighed again, but melted into the touch.

"It was stupid..." Jack frowned and brought Dave's face closer to his. "Nothing that makes you cry is stupid. Anyone who tells you that are stupid themselves." Dave felt more tears forming. "What if that person makes you cry?" Jack looked down. "You're so cute sometimes, y'know that Davey?" Said man's face flushed. "C'mon, I'm listening." Dave closed his eyes for a minute before explaining.

Jack tried to keep a straight face as to not alarm Dave, but he couldn't help but feel as if it was partially his fault. "I'm sorry, Will." Dave shivered at his real name. Normally Jack was the only one who was allowed to use it, but he didn't want to hear that right now. "Sorry Dave, force of habit when we're talking about heavy topics." Dave shrugged and pulled Jack into a hug. "I just want to sleep..." Jack nodded and hugged back. "I love you." Dave smiled. "I love you too."


Sunlight streamed into the room, lighting everything it touched with a warm yellow tint. Dave slowly opened his eyes, silently thanking god that they were in the afterlife and didn't have to work. He felt warm and safe, something he couldn't feel for years. He was akin to a cat that had found a warm and comfortable spot to lay down. He just laid there for a while, appreciating everything that was happening right now.

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