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(Third person pov)
Jack had been running for a while now. He had taught a few kids curse words and phoney caught him. Shit, shit, shit was all that he was thinking. He ran to the only place he went after doing something like this; the saferoom. He almost made it to the door when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It felt familiar and...safe? He turned around and thank God it was just Dave.
"Yo, sportsy, you alright? Why are you running so fast?"
"Ph...oney ju...st cau...ght me tea...ching kid...s swe...ar wor...ds" Jack managed to say through pants from running.
"...Do you want me to fight him? I won't let him lay a finger on y-"
"N-no, just...hide m-me please..."
"Okay...uhm...here-" Dave propped himself up by placing his hand next to Jack's head in order to hide him.
Both of their heart rates increased. They were both looking away from each other but the mere thought that they were right next to the other made their faces heat up. They heard footsteps getting closer and Dave instinctively got closer to Jack and hugged him to hide him further.
"Empl- Dave, have you seen the orange one?"
"Hm? O-oh, no. Sorry"
"Why are you looking at the wall?"
"Oh u-um I'm on my phone."
"I- alright at least you aren't killing kiddens. If you see him, please tell me."
"Alrighty phoney."
Phoney sighs and walks away. Seemingly buying Dave's lie. Both Dave and Jack sigh in relief. Then, they remember that they are right next to each other and heat up again. Dave lets go.
"S-sorry..." Dave apologizes.
"O-oh...uhm it actually felt n-nice..." Jack shivers from the sudden loss of heat.
"U..hm, so we should go to the saferoom since he doesn't think you're near here now..." Dave grabs Jack's hand and runs towards the saferoom. They made it to the room's door and opened it, later locking it. They sat down, now facing each other.
"...what about the cameras?"
"Ummm...it'll be fine. He probably isn't that mad...hopefully."
"O-okay, Davey..." Shit. Did he just say Davey? "I- um...I di-"
"Awwww! Did you just call me Davey?" Dave thought it was the cutest thing he had ever heard.
"...y-yeah..." Jack's face was now a very bright orange colour.
"Awww! I love it sportsy!" Dave's face was a bright purple, blushing too.
Jack just smiled and looked away. He scooted next to Dave and hugged him.
"Th-thanks..." He felt way warmer when next to Dave. He hid his face in Dave's shirt.
Dave was taken aback. " ...n-no promblem, sp-sportsy." He felt his face heat up even more.
They stayed like that for a while, eventually they got into a more comfortable position. They were both lying down with Jack on top. His head was laying on Dave's chest and they could feel the other breathing. They had both calmed down and Dave was playing with Jack's fluffy hair. Jack was watching some YouTube and Dave was just watching.
"What time is it?"
"Hm, we've still got about half an hour...whatcha wanna do?"
"Uhhh, what do you wanna do, Davey?"
Dave still loved that nickname. "Uh...man I don't know, I'm just kinda bored."
Jack sat up and looked at Dave's eyes. He slowly let his eyes drift down to Dave's lips. But then caught himself and looked away. Dave caught the drift and leaned closed to Jack with his eyes closed. Jack was caught off guard but leaned in too. He closed his eyes too and put a hand on Dave's cheek. They both closed the gap and slowly kissed the other. Dave put his tongue on Jack's lips, asking if he could be let it. Jack opened his mouth and they both smiled into kiss. They pulled apart slowly and gasped for breath. "W-wow..." Dave wrapped his arm around Jack's waist. He put his other hand on Jack's face. Jack put his arm around Dave's neck. They both melted into the other's touch.
"I love you, Davey."
"Love you too, Sportsy."
They suddenly heard knocking on the door. "Employees? Are you in there?"
"Uh, yeah." Dave responded.
"Have you found the other one? Why are you in the saferoom? And why is the door locked?"
"Oh, I was looking out for Jack to see if he'd come in the saferoom, and locked it so he couldn't come in and hide."
"Ok. It's almost closing time. I honestly don't really care about finding him anymore."
"Alrighty, cya."
"See you." They heard footsteps leaving. "Well, I guess we should start heading out. Just stay next to me when we walk out."
"Alright." Jack grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket.. They stood up and Jack hugged Dave's arm. Dave unlocked the door and looked down the hallway to see if phoney was there. They headed out of the room and reached the end of the hallway. Sure enough, the clock said 5:49pm They had 11 minutes. "D'you think we could just leave now?"
"Umm...maybe. It's not like many kids are still here.
They headed to the door and just...left.

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