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The sun had started leaving the sky, behind it was a beautiful mixture of colours painting the usually monotone sky like it was a blank canvas before. The whole world seemed to stop for the few moments of the gorgeous sundown, as if every plant and animal couldn't help but stop and look at the sky.

"How is something that happens everyday still so beautiful?" Dave had tried to kill the lingering silence that had built up as both parties had looked up. The question was met with the soft sounds of the wind flying by, but no voice to accompany it. All that remained was the gentle breathing of the two of them.

Dave took a deep breath before continuing. "I mean, shouldn't it get stale and repetitive after a while?" Yet again, his question was met with nothing. Ever since they had entered this place, the relationship between him and Jack had been weird to say the least. A natural conversation between them had never been this hard to try and make happen.

"I guess." Jack said unentusiastically, not bothering to look away from the fleeting lights of the sky. Dave had a strong urge to sigh and leave since this obviously wasn't going anywhere. But, call it stubbornness, or ignorance, he stayed and continued trying.

"What do you think?" Dave pushed, which seemed to have stopped the wind as if it was was holding its breath in anticipation. To which Jack simply replied with, "...what do you mean?" By now, the sky had given up its show as the sun was now fully out of view. All that remained was a dark blue.

Slowly stars started shining, lighting up the sky to make it look pretty again. "Well...why do you think it hasn't gotten repetitive yet?" Strangely, the world still seemed to be stopped, save for the occasional gust of wind passing by. There was a long pause, and Dave opened his mouth to add something, but was interrupted.

"I like to think of it as art. Though there's limited dimensions you can use to draw a picture, the different colours you use can make the overall picture look beautiful." He paused before adding, "and many people still find old art to be beautiful."

Dave slightly nodded as he looked at Jack, as if he of all people would be able to understand such a matter. "What about you?" The question had interrupted Dave's train of thought. "Huh?" The wind had picked up again, and yet was still just a gentle breeze flowing by.

"What do you think?" Jack continued as he only slightly looked over to Dave, eyes still fixated on the night sky. "Oh...well..." He silently collected his thoughts to come up with a suitable answer. "Humans are naturally drawn to nature, we can see a million flowers and still think they look pretty."

His eyes were brought back up to the sky as he looked at the stars above him. "People are also naturally afraid of the unknown...maybe that makes us more attached to things that are consistent...?" He desperately awaited his enviable "judgment." Yet the air was still filled with a suffocating silence.

He heard Jack hum. "That's an interesting take on it...makes sense." Dave internally sighed, feeling relieved that he didn't sound like a total idiot. However, just as quickly as the feeling came, it went away as a silence built back up again. The world seemed to continue moving on without him.

Relationships are weird concepts to try and understand. Once you've entered one, it's very easy to leave it if you don't give it enough care. Yet they still don't work unless both parties give equal care into it. And still...even if both give it their all, it could still fail for even the tiniest of reasons.

When you put it on paper, it's easy to wonder why people willingly keep such complex things, even knowing the risks. But in practice, it's a much different story. Even though there are such great drawbacks, they don't come without great rewards when kept well.

They can both feel the withdrawal of the other. But he was brought out of his thoughts (whether the universe meant it to be intentional or not) by realizing how cold it was out here. Not to mention neither of them were wearing jackets. Soon enough he felt the other laying on him to presumably warm up.

However, the act had warmed him up more than it would if it were anyone else. He felt his heart skip a few beats before completely melting as he looked down. He waited a few moments as if the other was going to pull away and leave him out here.

Carefully, he brought his arms up and wrapped them around the body on him. He acted as if he made one wrong move, he'd have of committed the highest act of treason there was. He felt the world fall into solemn silence as the two laid into eachother for the slightest amount of warmth.

He began looking for any type of sign telling him what to do, but was met with nothing. As if he was being told to figure it out himself. He mentally flipped off whatever forces were at play in this godforsaken realm. "I love you." He'd forgotten the last time he'd heard that, not the mention the last time anyone meant it.

Nevertheless, he felt a metaphorical ball of light warm his insides, just from hearing a few special words grouped together so specifically. "I love you too." He whispered in the other's ear before kissing his cheek. He thought of how ironic it is that languages can both break and mend relationships.

And just with the exchange of seven words, he felt a spark of hope. A spark that had long since been unlit, a spark that rekindled as he began letting himself believe 'I love you' again. He felt a small smile show itself on his face as Jack hugged him, even if just for warmth.

He could mentally see a disgusted Henry roll his eyes, but he finally didn't care anymore. After all, what could Henry do anymore? It's not like he's alive anymore. He sat up and pulled Jack into a hug. Just to spite whatever piece of Henry that may or may not exist. The two hugged for the better part of a minute.

"While I'd love to just keep hugging you, it'd be a lot more enjoyable if I wasn't freezing." He rolled his eyes at the comment, but agreed at the sentiment. They pulled back, sharing one last kiss before heading back inside. Jack grabbed his hand (as if he was going to just walk away) and went to their room.

They entered the room and just then, fully appreciated the warm air inside. Dave didn't waste any time, however, and pulled Jack onto the bed to cuddle with him. Said man enjoyed the affection, but would never admit to it and opted to externally fake a frustrated sigh. But it wasn't convincing anyone, especially not Dave.

Dave laid his head on Jack's chest and took the time to just truly enjoy the other's company. Jack gave up attempted annoyance, as he couldn't even fool himself, and softly kissed Dave's forehead. He relished and savored in every point of contact between them. "I adore you." Jack had to restrain a genuine smile at the sudden statement.

"You too." Dave rolled his eyes, settling for a soft hum as his reaction, (before yawning). Of course, this triggered Jack to yawn as well, so they opted to cuddle closer together to go to sleep. Dave smirked and added, "say it back or I'll watch you sleep." Jack wanted to (playfully) slap him, but could care less. "I adore you too."

Soon, they finally fell asleep in eachother's embrace.

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