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(Why is shenanigans such a long word?)

(Third person pov)
"Come onnnnn, I don't wanna be yelled at againn!" Jack said, reaching for the animatronic head in Dave's hands. "But, it's fun! Haven't you seen those kid's screams?" Dave responded, lifting the head above him. "Yeah, it's fun but- ugh why do you have to take advantage of your height? >:[" Jack started standing on his tippy-toes to try and reach for the head. "Haha, two can play at that game!" Dave said before standing on his tippy-toes too. Jack kept trying to reach before getting an idea. "Alright, have it your way." He said, pushing Dave against a wall, their body's being close to eachother, almost touching when they breathed. "Uh-uhm..." Dave tried to form a sentence, but his confidence had been drained from that one action. Slowly, his arms started to let gravity take over and now he couldn't care less about the head, dropping it. He put his arms around Jack's waist and brought him closer. Jack, forgetting why he was here in the first place, placed his arms around Dave's neck. They both slowly leaned into eachother and shared a passionate kiss. Jack opened his mouth, allowing Dave's tongue into his mouth. Both of them smiled into the kiss and stayed there until they ran out of breath. They slowly pulled apart and then heard footsteps approaching. "Hey, have you- oh, did I interrupt something?" They heard Steven say behind them. Steven stepped closer and took the head off the ground. "Alright, I'll spare you two from a lecture, just get a room. Please." Steven said, leaving the party room they were in. Jack blushed madly and laid his head in Dave's chest. They both stood there, before parting from their hug and sitting on the floor, face to face. "I'm sure phoney won't mind if we stay here for a while." Dave said, breaking the silence. Jack sighed and turned around, then laying his head in Dave's lap. "Okay..." He mumbled, before adding, "but just a while." Jack looked up at Dave. "Finnneeee, Sportsy." Dave started rubbing Jack's hair and smiled to himself. Jack closed his eyes, letting sleep take over him.

(Just a normal day in the workplace. Also, Dave, Imma need you to pay for the therapy those kids need. Alrighty, bye sweeties. ❤❤❤)

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