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I'm switching back to their full names idfk
this is part one, but not really. basically imma just post 2 at the same time cause I hate this one ngl


Dave walked into the saferoom, quickly seeing 'Old Sport.' Considering they'd known each other for two weeks now, you'd think he'd at least know his co-worker's name. The only reason he didn't ask when he first walked in was because he'd assumed the newbie wouldn't last a day. But, a week is 7 days. In his own words, he was, "14 times wrong." He half expected to be told the new guy had died over the weekend somehow as he walked in today.

To be honest, the fact that this man had somehow survived even two weeks was a very pleasant surprise. If he didn't 'know better', based on the way the guy preformed, he'd of assumed this man had been working here for years...Back to the present moment though, he continued into the room, catching the other by somewhat surprise. Unfortunately, the guy had already kind of expected this to happen. Dave inquired as to what the other was doing here.

He responded with something generic, but didn't specify. Dave mentally shrugged before remembering he still doesn't know the other's name. He decided not to ask, there was no guarantee this person would continue to survive. As Henry once 'taught' him, you should have as little attachments as possible for if something were to happen to them, you'd suffer. Although, he said it in a stricter way as to...probably get the point across better.

He gave a simple bye before leaving the room as Dave watched him leave.


One and a half months. What a concept... someone 'new' surviving one whole month plus some. Dave had expected this guy to have been just another passing employee that wouldn't last a day. Now that he knew better, perhaps attachment wasn't the worst idea he had. Now that he had more time to adjust and take in features of the other, he finally noticed more things about him that he wouldn't of before. Like how his eyes seemed almost milky..

And not in the way a blind person's eyes looked, they just looked...watered-down? It was almost as if he was...missing something? He compared it to his heart, he was missing it. So what was this person missing? He was tempted to say he was also missing his heart, but he felt that wasn't true, it was something...more? He continued to (somewhat) watch him. Finally, one day, he decided he could ask his name. However, now he felt...weird?

Whenever he wanted to talk to him now, he could swear it felt like his heart was back in his chest. Which shouldn't even be possible? He didn't think too much of it, it'd probably be fine...He shook it off and walked into the saferoom, quickly finding him. He finally asked what his name was. And "Jack" was...a pretty na- pretty interesting name...Anyway, he nodded and felt that feeling come back, but it wasn't bad.

He was the one to walk away this time, leaving 'Jack' in there.


He still couldn't possibly figure out how someone completely new could actually make it to 2 and a half months...it almost felt suspicious. But, that's just Jack, he guessed. The man that made Dave feel...anything again. But, weird feeling aside, they had been talking more, and for the first time in...god knows how long, Dave hasn't killed anything within the last few weeks. He doesn't know what possessed him to stop.

Perhaps it was his attention being focused somewhere else. Perhaps it was the fact that his attention was focused on something in specific. Perhaps it was the fact that the something was against him killing. Or perhaps...no, he couldn't lie to himself. He knew exactly why. He could practically hear Henry yelling at him and he has half tempted to give in again. But, something about how new this felt to him made him want to explore further.

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