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Steven: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one, you'll be fined.

Peter: Heck.

Steven: You're on thin fucking ice.

Peter: Oh no.


Steven: Guess what number I'm thinking of.

Dave: 420?

Steven: No! Thats really immature of you. Can someone else guess and please take this seriously.

Jack: 69?

Steven: ...Yeah it was 69.

Jack: Are you inside my ceiling, Dave?

Dave, inside the ceiling: No...

Jack: Text me when you're on your way.

Peter: Potassium.

Jack: You're such a nerd.

Steven: Why are you late?

Peter: A technical error occurred causing an unexpectedly long bought of unconsciousness.

Steven: Overslept?

Peter: ...Overslept.

Henry: Why don't you stay down and die with dignity?

Dave: We don't do anything with dignity!

Everyone else: ...

Steven: I'm going over to help. Stay here and...just don't touch anything.

Dave: Yeah, yeah.

Dave, as soon as Steven is out of sight: I'm going to touch everything!

Henry: How tall are you?

Jack: Height is a social construct.

Henry: So, you're short.

Dave: What if Cinderella was a baking slave instead of a cleaning slave and her name was Mozzarella?

Steven: Don't ever text me again.

Steven: I hope you have a good explanation for this.

Jack: We have 3 actually.

Dave: Pick your favourite.

Dave: Who the fuck-

Steven: Language!

Dave: ...

Dave: Whom the fuck

Dave: Come on, Jack, I wasn't that drunk!

Jack: You tried to colour my face with a highlighter because you said I was important.

Dave: That's because you are.

Dave: Alright, listen up you little shits.

Dave: Not you, Jack. You're an angel and were all thrilled you're here.

Dave: Sorry I'm late.

Peter: What happened?

Dave: Nothing, I just really didn't wanna come.

Jack: Okay, does everyone know what they're doing?

Dave: In general or the plan?

Jack: The plan, babe.

Dave: Oh, phew.

The kids: That moment you enter a room and forget why you went in there.

Dave n Jack: *Stab them*

The kids: Oh, that's right I was being chased by serial killers.

Peter: Imagine life, but not bad.

Dave: Unrealistic. Blocked.

Jack: To quote the icon that is John Mulaney: 'I have had a long day, I am very small, and I have no money so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under.'

Jack, holding a ticket: What happened? Why'd you get pulled over?

Dave: I was just trying to catch up with traffic.

Jack: It was late at night, there was no traffic.

Dave: Thats how far behind I was!

Dave: Where's my fucking knife?

Peter: Dude, there are kids around. Say it nicer, maybe?

Dave:...May I ascertain the whereabouts of my fucking knife?

Jack: *exists*

Dave: This is my orange baby, I will love and protect him, if any of you touch him, I will not hesitate to kill you.

Steven: Don't do anything stupid.

Dave: You and I both know that's asking way too much of me.

Jack: Babe, that toy is for ages 5 and up.

Dave: Yeah! I'm part of the 'up'.

Steven: Let me see what you have.

Dave: A knife!

Steven: NO!

Dave, after murdering kiddens: I feel weird...

Steven: That would be your conscious.

Dave: Ah, no that can't be it. I think I got rid of that thing a while ago.


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