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(Did this months ago, so it probably sucks, but idc)

"Dave had been sitting on his shared couch with his husband. Said person being Jack. Jack was napping with his head on Dave's right shoulder. Jack woke up and looked tiredly at his husband before moving a little and sitting on Dave's lap. Dave felt his heart speed up a little as Jack's did too. "Babe, you look tired. Can I take you to our bedroom?" Jack looked tiredly at the man again and just nodded. Dave picked Jack up and moved towards their bedroom. Dave set Jack on the bed. "Wait, can you lay with me, Davey?" Dave's heart jumped. Even though they were married, they kept making the other fall in love again and again. They kept falling further and further in love with each other and the loved it. Dave smiled a little and said, "sure, Sportsy." He climbed next to his husband and hugged him. Jack closed his eyes and hugged back. They both slowly were lured into sleep in each other's arms.

When they awoke, they were still intertwined in each other. They gave each other a kiss before sitting up.

Haha, wedding arc.

It was Jack's birthday. Dave was planning to propose to his boyfriend of 3 years. He was standing in the saferoom and trying to hype himself up. He saw Jack enter the building and he only got more scared. He hide in the saferoom and tried to calm down. He loved and cared about his boyfriend. Click. The door opened. He stared at the door and felt the most anxious he had ever been. "Hey, Davey!" His heart sped up even more. God, why was he so cute? He swallow back his heavy emotions so he could talk somewhat normally. This felt like when he first asked out Jack. But, now he was 10 times more anxious. "H-Hi, Sportsy!" He said with notable concern even though he tried to hide it. "Are you okay? You seem really...scared?" Dave only got more anxious by Jack noticing. He looked behind Jack to see that he left a little crack in the door. He saw Dee and Peter giving him a thumbs up. He sighed and looked back at Jack. "U-uhm, I-" He couldn't even get a full sentence out from how scared he was. Jack just gave him a smile to tell him that he's loved. That let him calm down a little. Jack then leaned in for a kiss, which Dave gladly accepted. They stayed like that for a little before they stopped for breath. Their heads were touching and their eyes were looking right at the other. He almost completely calmed down and was ready for his shot. "So, what's wro-" Jack was cut off by Dave getting down on one knee. Jack's mind was racing. He had wanted this to happen for a while now, but hadn't had enough courage to do it himself. But, now it was happening. "Jack, will you marry me?" Jack was too stunned to speak. (😏). So, instead of using words, he used actions. He lowered down and passionately kissed Dave. Dave slipped the ring on Jack's finger and kissed back. They just stayed there as if nothing else mattered. It was only the two of them. Dee and Peter silently cheered outside the door and high-fived each other. They quietly walked away and cheered for their brother, Jack, for finding the one for him.

Alright, back to the post-marriage.

Jack had been writing down some stuff for work when he heard footsteps behind him. He stiffened and looked behind him and saw Dave. He immediately fell back to a comfortable position when he saw his husband. "Babe, you've been writing for hours, come with me and just chill." (WHY DO YOU WRITE LIKE YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME? WRITE DAY AND NIGHT LIKE YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!). Jack frowned a little. "Don't worry, baby, I'll be there in just a minute." Dave sighed. "That's what you said 30 minutes ago..." He came closer to Jack and picked him up. "C'mon, babe, I know you must be tired...literally and figuratively." Jack opened his mouth to protest, but, Dave was right. He still didn't like it. He just fell into Dave's touch and sighed. He was quite tired now that he had time to feel his body. He just accepted this as fact and closed his eyes a little. Dave smiled a little and set Jack on the couch. He then sat next to him and Jack leaned on Dave's shoulder.

Haha. Jumping from time to time is my middle name! ...it's not...it's Ilana. Anyway-

After kissing each other after getting up, they started heading to their job. They held hands the entire way there. Once they were there, they were met with Jack's siblings. "Hey, Dee. Hey, Peter." Jack said when he saw them. "Hey, bro!" They both said when they heard him. Dave and Jack kept walking with their hands intertwined.

Enough of that, what about seggs >:]

"Ah~" Dave had been sucking down on Jack's neck and found the spot that made Jack moan. He abused said spot and Jack got louder. Dave pulled away and pulled his shirt off. Jack followed him soon after. Dave went back to sucking on Jack's neck. He then went down to Jack's chest and sucked. "A-ah~ h-ard-der~" Dave smiled and sucked harder. "M-mm~" Dave once again pulled back. He pulled and remaining clothing off of Jack while Jack helped."

(^ All of that was word for word what I had in my notes, so have fun and feel free to write you own endings or whatever.)

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