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(If you have a complaint about the name, contact my garbage can and I'll see you in about 6.9 business days)

+ _-3rd per-pov-_ +
Dave woke up to his phone buzzing. He hasn't set an alarm so it must be a notification, but didn't he turn those off? He turned on his phone before being blinded by it's light. He blinked a few times before checking the screen. Oh. It was a text from Jack, the one person he allowed his phone to give notifications for. He unlocked the phone and checked what it said.


bye bby girl


Today at 11:53AM

hey, I got a surprise for you
when you get to work ;)

He used a winky face. Dave felt his face heat up. He quickly turned off his phone and covered his face. He has to go now, if only to see what he meant by "surprise". He sat up at started getting ready.

+ _-Meanwhile-_ +
Jack was walking to work. He had his normal clothes on over some...special clothes. He did his best to cover it all, and if anyone asked, he'd just tell them that it was a black shirt. He made it to work, actually before he needed to be there, so he had time to kill. He walked to the saferoom and sat down in the corner. He took his phone out and texted Dave. His face was bright orange as he was writing it and he finished it with a winky face.

He sent the text and switched tabs to the camera app to see what he looked like. Luckily, not much of the...outfit...was visible. He turned off his phone and laid his head back. He'd take a little nap before Dave got there.

+ _-Back-_ +
Dave was speedwalking, trying to get to work as fast as he could. Now that he thinks about it, Jack is really the only reason he shows up. Otherwise, he'd have been long fired by now. He finally made it and opened the handle.

Jack woke up at the sound of a door opening. Peter was already here, so that must be Dave. He sighed before getting up and taking his normal clothes off, and sat in the middle of the room, waiting for Dave to come in.

Dave started walking to the saferoom, where he'd most likely see Jack. He twisted the handle to the large door and opened it. He quickly let it shut before looking down. "Holy shit..." He was definitely surprised for sure. "Like what you see, Davey?" Jack smoothly said. Dave responded by rushing to him and kissing him, and pushed Jack over so that he was ontop of him. He pulled away to let Jack speak. "Aw, needy much?" Dave rolled his eyes. "You knew what you were doing." Jack giggled, but didn't argue. Dave eyed him up and down, relishing in how the man under him looked.

Dave went back down and kissed Jack's neck, wanting to hear the man under him's whimpers. Jack let out a tiny moan and put his arms around Dave. He pulled away from his neck and looked at Jack. "Why would you waste your time putting on clothes..." Dave put a hand on the ground next Jack's waist, "...that you knew I would rip off?" That statement made Jack's face a bright orange. "Well I didn't want to get arrested for public indecency." Jack put a hand on Dave's face. He smirked at the affection and got off of Jack so he could sit up. He moved his hands to Jack's back and unzipped what he was wearing. He slowly pulled off his clothing until he was only in his boxers.

Dave started to rub against Jack to gain friction. Jack grabbed at Dave's shirt and pulled it off. "Who's the needy one now?" Jack rolled his eyes at Dave's comment. "Ungh, pleaasse..." Jack pleaded. "Beg." He wanted to slap Dave right now. He leaned in next to Dave's ear. "Please, Daveyy...I need youuu..." Dave smiled at Jack. "How can I say no to you, baby?" Dave pulled his pants and boxers off while Jack took his boxers off too.

Dave gently pushed Jack down to the ground and leaned down to kiss him. Dave led his own hands to a secret hole in the ground and pulled out lube. They pulled away from the kiss and Jack looked at the lube. "How long has that been there?" Jack raised his eyebrow. "Don't question it." Jack sighed. Dave opened it and put some on his fingers. He leaned back down and kissed Jack again before slowly pushing his fingers inside.

Jack lightly moaned into the kiss at the feeling. Dave waited a little before moving around inside of Jack. He let Jack get used to it before pulling his fingers out. He grabbed the lube again and put some on his member. "Ready?" Jack nodded almost immediately. Dave laughed a little and pushed inside Jack, gaining a moan. He waited for Jack to adjust before going deeper.

He moved inside of him, and finally hit a certain spot. Jack moaned loudly and squeezed Dave's arms. Dave continued for a while before feeling a sensation move throughout his body. " I'm" Dave slowed down a little. "S..same...fUck-" Dave finished with a final thrust before pulling out. "Hold on..." He moved down to Jack's member and deep-throated it, making Jack finsh inside his throat.

Dave swallowed it and pulled back. He laid down next to Jack and sighed. "Shit we" He managed to spit out through pants. "Oh shit- shoulda...thought about that, shouldn't we..." Jack chuckled a little. "I'll get our clothes." Dave stood up and walked to their clothes. "Thanks, dude." Jack sat up.

(there you go i guess. have fun and bye.)

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