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[Alright, this was originally a smutshot, but I cannot physically write smut without vomiting so I'm gonna headcanon them both (Jack and Dave) as ace.
In my book at least, they deffo had sex in the canon games and you cannot change my mind. Also, takes place in the afterlife, right after Henry is defeated].


"And thank you. For everything." Within a few short moments, a bright light appeared, taking Dee with it. "So...just me and you now, eh, sportsy?" Jack finally looked at Dave.

"And that purple mutt..." Dave added, looking down at Blackjack. "Look, I..." Dave paused, trying to find the right words. "Thank you so much. You've done so much for everyone..."

He hesitated, before deciding to just continue. "I love you so fuckin' much..." Jack smiled, "I love you too, Dave." He looked at Dave's lips, unconsciously moving closer. "Can I...?"

Dave asked, leaning in as Jack nodded, closing his eyes. He closed his eyes as well, wrapping his arms gently around Jack's waist, Jack wrapping his arms around Dave's neck soon after.

The moment lasted for what felt like hours before the two pulled away. "Sorry to interrupt, but I believe we should go now." Blackjack commented. Jack nodded, reluctantly unwrapping his arms to move away from Dave.

"Alright then...I'll join you in a little, Dave." Jack said, giving Dave a little peck. "Thank you again...love you." Dave said, soon being engulfed in the familiar bright light.

After a few moments, Blackjack spoke up, "are you ready?" Jack nodded, soon followed by everything going white around the both of them. While it was relatively quick, it wasn't exactly something Jack would willingly do again.

After his eyes adjusted back from the literal flashbang he'd just experienced, he found himself in a pleasantly comfortable environment. He was laying down on something quite soft...well, softer than he was expecting.

He opened his eyes, seeing a familiar, but more healthy looking, figure above him. "Hey, love." Jack said, softly. Dave perked up, looking down at him. "Oh! Hey Sp-what did you call me?"

Jack smirked, sitting up, "love." Dave smiled, gentle pulling him into a kiss. Jack gladly kissed him back, acting like it was a daily occurrence. After forever, pulling back, Jack could truly take in how Dave looked now that they're in the afterlife.

He looked more alive than he did when he was actually...alive, ironically. His skin was way less purple, as Jack's was way less orange too. They didn't look 100% normal, but it was a noticeable difference from when they were alive, even when in the flipside.

"What time is it?" Jack asked, finally remembering there was a world outside of this room. "Uh, it's really dark outside and it has been for a while so maybe like 2 A.M?" Dave responded, obviously unsure.

"Why're you still up then?" Jack tilted his head. "I was waiting for you to wake up...plus I'm not tired." Dave said, laying against a wall. "Where are the others?" Jack continued, laying down on Dave's lap.

Dave moved his hands to rub Jack's (totally existent) hair. "Uh, when we all got here, everyone had their own room and most of us went to our rooms since it was already dark."

Jack closed his eyes, feeling extremely comfortable. "Do we have separate rooms, or..?" He said, feeling a little tired. "Uh, I don't think so? I know that Steven and Peter had a single room, which I thought was weird because of Caroline.."

"Oh yeah, before...everything happened, they got married because Caroline's family didn't want to accept the fact that she's gay. The marriage was more to hide their sexualities than anything."

"Holy shit- that's actually really cool." Dave said, genuinely interested. Jack smiled, "yeah, that's why she didn't take his name or vice versa." Dave smirked, adding, "I'm taking your last name."

Jack, caught off guard, just started laughing. "I mean, if you want." Dave nodded, "I mean with what just happened, I don't think I want the last name of him anymore." Jack opened his eyes again, sitting up, "oh shit, I forgot about that."

Dave shook his head, "No, no, it's fine. I don't really wanna think of him anymore." He moved to lay down next to Jack, watching Jack laying back down and hugging him. "Okay...I love you."

Jack yawned, gently hugging Dave back. Consequently, Dave soon yawned as well, "I love you too." Jack smiled, drifting slowly to sleep, Dave soon following.


[I love gay ppl, wish they were real 😔].

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