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[I have no idea where the audio to the original is 💀💀💀, but I found it here: - besides that, I love the idea of Dee helping Dave.]


Dave sat on the floor, alone. He could easily go to Jack, but he stayed, unsure as to why. He heard footsteps, not bothering to look.

To his surprise, he saw Dee, and she didn't look like she wanted to kill him for once. "Are...are you okay? You're almost never without Jack."

Dave looked away slightly, wiping a few tears. "I-I'm fine.." Dee frowned, sitting down next to him. "Well you certainly don't look fine."

Dee hummed, trying to think of something. "Alright, I want you to try this, okay?" Dee said, practically going into her 'therapist' mode.

"Take my hands, and you say something that you love about yourself," Dee added, "and I'll say something I love about myself, Alright?"

Dave place his hands in hers, unsure about this. "I don't see how this is supposed to help.." Dee rolled her eyes, "Oh just trust me!"

"Okay, how about this, I'll go first." Dee demonstrated, "hm..I eyes. And now you." Dave thought for a moment, still unsure.

"Uh..I smile, I suppose." He said, sighing slightly. "Very good! Alright, I sense of style." Dee stated. "Does that count?"

"Well I think it does." She responded. "Now you." Dave looked down. "Hm..alright, I taste in friends..." He said, smiling slightly.

Dee nodded. "See, that wasn't hard at all now was it?" She smiled, genuinely pleased. "I guess it wasn't..." Dave pulled his hands back.

"Is a 6 year old my therapist now?" Dave said, smirking. Dee sighed, seeing he was back to being himself. "It won't always be free."

Dee stood up, "well, since it's night, I'm going back to sleep after I get my 3AM water." She added. Dave sighed, getting up as well.

He walked back into his and Jack's bedroom, finding him still asleep. He smiled, climbing into bed next to him and hugging him.


[traumatized characters x getting therapy my beloved ship/hj]

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