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"I swear to god, you're hiding something." Dee closed her sketchbook before looking up at her brother. "I have no idea what it is, but it's something..." Jack shook his head in an attempt to seem innocent. "Trust me, if I did have some big secret, you'd be the first I'd go to."

He stopped, before realizing Dee didn't look convinced at all. "Ooh~ so it's something you're embarrassed about?" Jack opened his mouth to talk, but seemingly, no words came out. He paused, before finally giving up. "It's nothing." Dee rolled her eyes and stood up to leave the room. "That's bollox and we both know it."

Jack, in turn, rolled his eyes at the statement. "Seriously, where did you get your accent from...none of us are british." Dee laughed and finally closed the door. Jack was just happy she actually closed his door. He laid down and relaxed into his bed. After a handful of minutes, he heard his door open. "Oh sportsy~!"

He then heard footsteps approaching, then an added weight on the end of his bed. "How are you?" Dave asked before pulling his legs up into a criss-cross. "Well, considering you saw me a minute ago, I'm still fine." Jack sat up and finally opened his eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm good." Dave smiled and stared at him.

"How is it every time I see you, you get even cuter?" Normally, Jack would usually just shrug it off, but he allowed himself to blush this time. "Awwwee~ you look even cuter when smiling!" Jack sighed and laid his head on Dave's chest.
Dave smiled and started rubbing Jack's back.

Dee was sitting on the floor in the living room. She sighed before standing up, she was bored. She started walking to her room before seeing Jack's door was open. She made sure to close it, so why was it-

Her body froze. She blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't imagining things. Her brother was snogging his friend. Now that was something she didn't expect...but now she has blackmail. She quietly closed the door, she didn't want anyone learning her blackmail before she had time to use it.

She happily skipped back to her room and laid down.

The pair pulled away and Jack laid his head back on his bed. Dave smiled and laid down with him. He pulled Jack into a hug and felt him slowly go limp, falling asleep.

Alright imma be honest, I just ran out of ideas for this. but ill post it because why not lol
I might continue this later, but writers block is a mofo rn

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