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[https://youtu.be/7MUSqNXnXNo gave me an idea and imma write it 👍. also, ever think about how "imma" encompasses 4 whole words? "I am going to" within the singular word "imma"]


Peter sat on the couch, minding his own damn business. Jack's door opened, however, said man was not the one who walked out.

Dave walked into the living room, sitting on the different side of the couch. Peter didn't look at him, not even acknowledging his presence.

"Peter, your brother's a very good kisser." Dave said, eating a kebab. Peter slowly looked at him, unsure of how to even respond to that.

"Is Steven a good kisser?" Peter looked away, mentally facepalming. The poor man was too stunned to speak. How did Jack fall for Dave?

Peter stood up, not saying anything as he walked back to his room. Honestly, if he hadn't have walked away, he would probably go to jail.


[yeah, it's short. but I thought it would be funny so y'know.]

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